2 Questions...



I got 2 simple questions for the developers:
1) When we will get P3, in order to play it, we must have the CFS3 CD in the drive AND the OFF 3 DVD in another one at the same time? Or the CFS3 disc is enough?
2)Are donations for the OFF team open? If not will they re-open after the release of P3?
Hi Gousgounis

I believe you will find that you only need the CFS3 disk in the drive.That has been my experience testing the beta version.





1. You only need to install CFS3 once, and then the installation of P3 will take over. You will no longer need to insert the DVD/CD after you install OFF.

2. Donations... well... as much as we LOVE donations, we'd love it more if you'd hold for the bigger one. It's always been our desire to produce something you could all be proud of, and enjoy for a price tag of a tea-bag, but at this point we can no longer do that. Donations always help-us with bandwidth on the site, mailing costs, and other stuff that WM has to do to get us the patches, DVD's, etc.

So if you want to donate anything, please do so. It always helps.... remember, we're an independent company that has NO commercial budget, or payroll... or anything. So or expenses are paid through our very tight budget of donations, and our own money.

All the best,

OVS, As a late arrival to this form I do not know the procedure or location for making an appreciatory donation. Perhaps a replay of this information would help provide “A Flagon of Their Finest” for you and loyal crew at your local Beerhaus. :ernae:

Duuuh!!!!! Sorry for the dumb question. I know "Shut your mouth and open your eyes. And you'll be in for a big surprise."

Well I hope everyone has a great holiday.
A Very Cool Yule and a Frantic First