When Martin was planning the Route, he happened to find this little airfield in Korea.......
Martin DID mention that the control tower was right next to the runway, so I shot my first approach to see what's up.
It ended badly.
Control towers do not move.
My precious lil' B721 with the UAL Friend Ship paint job hit the tower with a wing tip and went "BOOOOM!"
So I did a few more practice runs, trying to establish fuel load, a good Top of Descent Point, approach path, and sight line. Coming into the airport from the south, the approach end of the runway is guarded by low hills, so I ended up deciding on the stock FS9 GPS approach, which avoids the higher hills that are in the way of a straight-line approach.
Oh, and did I mention that it's only a 4,000 foot runway?
The flight from Macau to Chuncheon...
Gear up, flaps in, banking right to get on course like a bat out of Macao
The view from the office.
Hand on the throttles and keeping track of the airspeed as a duenna would keep track of her charges.
Not a moment's rest for the whole flight!
AND... I forgot to mention that there is a building and trees right in front of the approach end of the runway!
Plus, there was a quartering tailwind to boot!
Lettin' it ALL hang out!
Missed the tower! HAH!
Oh, Yeah! Plenty of room to spare - PLENTY of room!
It was interesting to say the least. At least the seat wasn't stuck to my backside when I stood up!
Thanks for having my back, Maddog! Knowing there's a wingman does seem to lower the heart rate and the blood pressure!
Oddly enough, these are the kind of RTW Race moments I seem to live for.
Since I now seem to be the "tuber" for Team SOH, should I change my avatar and nickname to "Mr. Potato Head?": )