2024 not showing any 2020 aircraft


I think someone posted on this a while back. However, I couldn't find it. None of the 2020 aircraft in the 2024 Community folder show in game. This includes aircraft stated by their developers to be 2024 ready. Am I doing something wrong, or did the SU1 break 2020 aircraft?

Between this and aircraft spawning in the water at KARA has gotten me to be a bit ticked off at MS. The last week I was considering purchasing a MS tablet. After all the trouble with 2024, i decided to go with an Android tablet. Why reward MS when I have $130 wasted on a half baked product.
2024 has changed the way that liveries are selected and displayed in the aircraft menu, so some manual editing must be done to get 2020 aircraft to show up properly in 2024. Some of them will be there somewhere, as a variant of another aircraft maybe, while others won't show at all.
The key differences are in the aircraft.cfg [FLTSIM.xx] sections for the aircraft itself and all liveries for that aircraft, mainly:

ui_createdby ="tiger1962" <-- the livery painter's name

This is a complete no-no in 2024, and this line MUST now read:

ui_createdby ="Asobo Studios" <-- or whoever the original developer is

Sometimes livery painters will leave out lines which are now required by 2024, or change them for some reason, ie they've painted the livery for a real-life 'B1' version but the model is an 'A2'.
Check that all lines are present and that these two in particular match the same entries in the main aircraft.cfg file:

ui_manufacturer ="Britten Norman"
ui_type ="BN2 Islander"

It's a pain I know, but well worth it now that pilots and co-pilots can be seen in the cockpits at last.
I managed to figure it out. Somehow, SU1 must have created a Community folder within the Community folder. When I moved addons into the new folder, they showed up in 2024.
ui_createdby ="tiger1962" <-- the livery painter's name

This is a complete no-no in 2024, and this line MUST now read:

ui_createdby ="Asobo Studios" <-- or whoever the original developer is
This doesn't seem to be the case...of the few true MSFS2024 repaints I have,
one has ui_createdby="Kuro" and others have no ui_createdby entries at all (presumably defaulting to the original developer), and all show up OK and in the same list of aircraft (maybe this was fixed by SU1?).

Of my own liveries, I have ui_createdby="KJB" and they show up in the same list as the original T-33 liveries.

What I would really like to be able to do is create a new variation, separately selectable.
I'm thinking I need to use developer mode, VFS and overlay the presets folder but haven't got very far yet...
This doesn't seem to be the case...of the few true MSFS2024 repaints I have

Sorry I meant FS2020 port-over aircraft and liveries. I've had to do these edits to get all mine displaying as they should (Type, Variant, Livery in that order) in the FS2024 aircraft menu.
I managed to figure it out. Somehow, SU1 must have created a Community folder within the Community folder. When I moved addons into the new folder, they showed up in 2024.
Do you mean moved them or copied them from the FS2020 Community folder?
Sorry I meant FS2020 port-over aircraft and liveries. I've had to do these edits to get all mine displaying as they should (Type, Variant, Livery in that order) in the FS2024 aircraft menu.
Apologies, I got the wrong end of the stick :)

But having a separate entry in the selection menu for your favourite livery is actually a good thing, don't have to go through the tedious Configuration menu...
If you want your favourites at the top of the list, or the far left as it is in FS24, add an asterisk to the manufacturer name:

ui_manufacturer = *"Cessna"