2048 textures in FS9


I have a plane for FS9 that uses DXT3, 2048X2048 textures for the external model. Don't ask me how it works, but it does. Only issue is that they seem a little on the fuzzy side unless you're right on top of them in the spot view... then they crisp right up. I first thought that there were mip maps present, so I just re-saved them as DXT3 using Martin Wright's DXTbmp program. In so doing, the textures disappear off the external model altogether... Hmmm. So my question is, is there a way to get rid of the "fuzzies" on the external model textures? The paint is so intricate and detailed that it would be nice to see this on the plane in the spot. If not... then it's all good too. The model in question is the payware Bear Studios Su-30MKK for FS9. Aside from the external model fuzzies, the plane is a real joy to fly, once you figure out all of the immersive systems in the cockpit. Very stable and smooth, and everything works like it should.

I have a plane for FS9 that uses DXT3, 2048X2048 textures for the external model. Don't ask me how it works, but it does. Only issue is that they seem a little on the fuzzy side unless you're right on top of them in the spot view... then they crisp right up. I first thought that there were mip maps present, so I just re-saved them as DXT3 using Martin Wright's DXTbmp program. In so doing, the textures disappear off the external model altogether... Hmmm. So my question is, is there a way to get rid of the "fuzzies" on the external model textures? The paint is so intricate and detailed that it would be nice to see this on the plane in the spot. If not... then it's all good too. The model in question is the payware Bear Studios Su-30MKK for FS9. Aside from the external model fuzzies, the plane is a real joy to fly, once you figure out all of the immersive systems in the cockpit. Very stable and smooth, and everything works like it should.


It is necessary to halve the size (and alpha channels), and maybe to flip the textures...
I can resize the texture sheets easy enough. There are only 2 of them that are 2048 in each texture folder, all the rest are 1024, DXT3 with a light Alpha. I'll have a go with that and see what I come up with.

Ok, looks like fs is reading the mip map rather than top level texture.
You could try adjusting mip map settings in your graphics driver.


Got it to look a lot better by going into the sim and bumping the mip map quality from 4 to 5. Really crisped up the textures on Bill's Su-30MKK. I just wanted to bump the quality on the aircraft, not the entire sim, and ATi graphics seem to handle this issue a little bit easier, IMO. So now the model looks really good and I didn't have to tweak the textures after all. Love it when things work like that.
