2D panel or VC ?


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Hallo friends,

there is a problem for me with VCs I want to hear (read) your opinons about.
Today some very talented aircraft desighers furnish their ac with virtual cockpits
I only can say
Yes they realy translate a lot from the feeling how the pilot did feel in his plane.
BUT, yes it is sad to say, there is a "but"
The "but" is that on my old pc the sim begins to "stutter" so it is no more a flight but a diashow.
With the 2D panel I do not have this problem so hard or even not at all.
My Ju 88 A-4 has a realy very complex 2D panel, with a lot of gauges and functions - no flight problem
When I tried Shessies excellent Bf109B-1 with the VC, the plane is getting inflyable. But with a 2D panel no problem.
Allright my pc is about ten years old and I cannot afford a new one or a better video card.
I will believe not to be the only one with an old maschine.
So what are your opinions?
Hallo friends,

here is what ccleaner tells me about my maschine:
Windows XP home SP3
AMD A4-6300 Apu with Radeon HD Graphics, 3,5GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce GT 520
A bit old isn't it ?
and my Defrag tells me that from
298,08 GB 158,20GB are still free
System is NTFS
2D panel or VC not a laptop, but an old tower

Hallo Friends,

Shessy, no, no, it is not a laptop, but just an old tower and I added an Nvidia video card - NVIDIA GeForce GT 520
Yes the maschine is old, but still I can do my little panels and "play" with the flight dynamics I can live with it - lol no other choice.
Hi Papi,
Ok good then you have a separate graphics card, but it is low spec, that is what is almost certainly causing your problems...and the answer is an upgrade of the graphics card card!

The CPU - ok, RAM - 3.5 GB?, you do not need any more than 3Gb, get rid of the 500Mb, it could cause issues (yes it can!);

Make sure you are not auto-start/running uneccessary progs be very strict on this;

Since XP is so vunerable to internet nasties make sure you run a lightweight AV (YES lightweight) as you cannot protect it against much so there is absolutely no point in running a heavy resource AV (ie Norton, McCaffee et al)...it will slow the pc. If you do not connect it to the internet then do not run an AV, I don't with my simming XP machine.


The CPU - ok, RAM - 3.5 GB?, you do not need any more than 3Gb, get rid of the 500Mb, it could cause issues (yes it can!);




My guess is that Papi is running 4+ GB of memory, and he can’t get rid of just 500mb. I wouldn’t advise getting rid of any of it. Since he running Windows XP, a 32bit operating system, XP will only ever “see” and use 3.5GB of memory. I saw this all the time when I used to dual boot XP 32bit and Win 7 64bit on my old system that had a total of 12Gb of RAM. (An old i7 930 system).

I agree the best upgrade to do on that system would be a better video card. Outside of that I would advise getting a modern system all together.
Hallo friends,
that my pc is a bit too old, allright that I know,
what would interest me if any other users encountered the difference between VC and 2D panels,
and if there is SOFT trick without buying new material?
Or does I stay alone with that problem?
(Just said a side I search a sponsor LOL)
I've always just preferred the 2D panel; sometimes, even with a plane that has a VC, I'll use that wonderful View Skip gauge by Doug Dawson to just jump to the next view.

I've always just preferred the 2D panel; sometimes, even with a plane that has a VC, I'll use that wonderful View Skip gauge by Doug Dawson to just jump to the next view.


With you on this Andy. I must admit to having a preference for 2D pits. VC's can be amazing and immersive but there's nowt wrong with nostalgia.

Papi, my system is older than yours (12 years old), has a smaller video card (GTX260 with .8 GB), but is running XP SP3 with 4GB RAM.

I get no stutters at all in any aircraft.

Maybe there are some basic FSX settings you can change that would help.

Here are mine shown in attachments.

I have frame rates locked at 42 for the example.


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Hallo Milton,
nice to read from you.
I tried a bit to follow your advices,
even I run FS2004 in GW3 config I tried as possible to transpose your settings to my Fs2004.
Hmm there is a little better running - a bit.
Nevertheless seeing the few answers or replies no one or not a lot seems tu have the same problems as I experiance them.