Agree with Mark on the size. I have a 512 GB SSD for FSX and P3D only. Currently 68 are free but both sims are relatively ''full'' with ORBX stuff and many addons.
As for moving your install, yes you can copy it over but you have to create a symbolic link. I have done this in the past and it worked great. Here is the ''how to'' (taken from a MS help thread and adapted) here
Step1: Copy all contents from the installation directory to the new drive, I would suggest if e.g. the new drive is F: "F:\Prepar3dv2"
Step2: Rename the original "C:\...\Prepar3dv2" to something like Prepar3dv2__
Step3: From an elevated command prompt, pointing to the original C:\...\Prepar3dv2 folder create a symbolic link to the copied one (If the new drive is F) type:
mklink /D : "Prepar3dv2""F:\Prepar3dv2"
More on symbolic links here:
and how to start an elevated command prompt here:
I know it sounds a bit complex but if done right it works and saves you the hassle of reinstall.
Again, I agree with the above, I have a 2Gb Seagate Hybrid for FSX solely and am satisfied with its performance after nearly 1 year. Having said that I am assuredly in for a catastrophe - watch this space.
ok,well i have 8.1 with the win 10 would i move this to the new drive,without all my stuff thats there now?
maybe i should just forget this idea ...i have no clue.