3 iron crosses??



I have 19 claimed kills, and awarded 3 iron crosses?!? Something wrong here, only one iron cross, then the next higher medal should be awarded, historically speaking!
Claims are nice to have there's no denial. But they must be Confirmed to have them registered as Kills.

It is merely a matter of, do you enjoy air combat, or are you collecting hardware. On your 25th confirmed you will recieve the Blue Max, historically I believe it was 21

Another way to Look at it, the Term Phase 2, Denotes a work in Progress

Keep your Shirt On, the price was right :ernae:
yes, some errors in P2 - you can get more than 6 iron crosses :icon_lol: (at least this is what i once got in P2), until some other medals began to appear.
Historically speaking the Iron cross was awarded two times - the first one was the IC, then there was the IC first class as a second award, if you continued to be brave or whatever.
Well actually one was awared a whole pile of pressed metal Cross for Distinction in War Mecklenburg-Strelitz
(Kreuz für Auszeichnung im Kriege) 2 Friedrich Franz Cross Mecklenburg-Schwerin
3 Friedrich Order Württemberg
(Friedrichs-Orden) 4 Friedrich-August Cross Oldenburg
(Friedrich-August Kreuz) 5 Friedrich-August Medal Saxony
(Friedrich-August Medaille) 6 Hanseatic Cross Bremen
(Hanseatenkreuze) 7 Hanseatic Cross Hamburg
(Hanseatenkreuze) 8 Hanseatic Cross Lübeck
(Hanseatenkreuze) 9 Iron Cross Prussia
(Eisernes Kreuz) 10 Karl-Friedrich Military Merit Medal Baden
(Karl-Friedrich Verdienstmedaille des Militäri 11 Karl-Friedrich Order of Military Merit Baden
(Militärischer Karl-Friedrich-Verdienstorden) 12 Medal for Bravery Bavaria
(Tapferkeitsmedaille) 13 Medal of the Military Order of St. Henry Saxony
(Medaille des Militär St. Heinrich-Ordens) 14 Military Merit Cross Mecklenburg-Schwerin
(Militärverdienstkreuz) 15 Military Merit Cross Brunswick
(Militärverdienstkreuz) 16 Military Merit Cross Bavaria
(Militärverdienstkreuz) 17 Military Merit Cross Prussia
(Militär Verdienstkreuz) 18 Military Order of Max-Joseph Bavaria
(Militär-Max-Joseph-Orden) 19 Military Order of St. Henry Saxony
(Militär St. Heinrich-Orden) 20 Order of Albert Saxony
(Albrechts Orden) 21 Order of Military Merit Württemberg
(Militär-Verdienstorden) 22 Order of Military Merit Bavaria
(Militär-Verdienstorden) 23 Order of St. John Prussia
24 Order of the Red Eagle Prussia
(Rote Adler Orden) 25 Order of the Zähringer Lion Baden
(Orden vom Zähringer Löwen) 26 Pilot's Badge Prussia
27 Pilot's Badge Bavaria
28 Princely Reuss Honor Cross Reuss
(Fürstlich Reussisches Ehrenkreuz) 29 Royal House Order of Hohenzollern Prussia
(Kgl. Hausorden von Hohenzollern) 30 Saxe-Ernestine House Order Saxe-Ernestine
(Sachsen-Ernestinischer Hausorden) 31 The Blue Max Prussia
(Orden Pour le Mérite) 32 War Honor Cross for Heroic Deeds Lippe
(Kriegsehrenkreuz für heldenmütige Tat) 33 War Merit Cross Baden
(Kriegs-Verdienstkreuz) 34 War Merit Cross Reuss
(Kriegsverdienstkreuz) 35 War Merit Cross Saxony
(Kriegs-Verdienstkreuz) 36 War Merit Cross Brunswick
(Kriegsverdienstkreuz) 37 War Merit Cross Lippe
(Kriegsverdienstkreuz am Kämpferband) 38 War Merit Medal Prussia
(Krieger-Verdienstmedaille) 39

Just to mention a few!! Some of the more "important" ones were awared with swords as well!
Wound Badge (Army)
I don't know quite how to break the news to you, being as soft as is possible. The game is firstly Air Combat, collecting hardware may be important to some, and not as much to others.

It is more important to me that the flight characteristics of a Fokker DVII can almost make me fly for the dark side. Medals . . Medals ... We don't need no Medals. That's just one man's opinion, there are others

Now if the guy who wrote the game was born in Bavaria, things might be different. But he wasn't . . . get used to it. :ernae:
Don't forget P2 is work in progress (i.e. any areas needed finishing still).

Medals have been revised for better in P3.

Germans gave medals out like they were going out of fashion and if we had a few more developers maybe we'd assign a medals man to spend some time making them all 10000 of them :)
Claims are nice to have there's no denial. But they must be Confirmed to have them registered as Kills.

It is merely a matter of, do you enjoy air combat, or are you collecting hardware. On your 25th confirmed you will recieve the Blue Max, historically I believe it was 21

Another way to Look at it, the Term Phase 2, Denotes a work in Progress

Keep your Shirt On, the price was right :ernae:

the problem with German medals is that the standards changed several times throughout the war. at first, you could be awarded the Iron Cross (2nd or 1rst Class) based on ONE aerial victory! the problem is that if you had already received the 2nd Class form, you HAD to be awarded the 1rst Class. so it's possible, easily so, for a pilot to score one victory and gain the Iron Cross 2nd Class, while another pilot could score his first victory and gain the Iron Cross 1rst Class simply because he'd already gotten the 2nd Class version.

the Pour Le Merite started off as something a pilot was given for 8 confirmed victories. in November of 1916 it was raised to 16. later in March or so of 1917 it was changed to 20 (officially)--and was unofficially 24 or so by the mid summer of 1917. by 1918 there were more important things to do than process decoration paperwork, so it was not unusual for a pilot to have 30 victories (or more) before receiving the Pour Le Merite.

some pilots were held to different standards-- pilots who had served a long time were given the decoration in spite of not having scored enough victories to qualify. indeed, some observers and two-seater pilots who never broke the 10 victory mark were given the Pour Le Merite late in the war.

the rules were different for different classes--just as how in the British Army a MASSIVE quantity of Victoria Crosses were given to people who rescued an officer--that said-same officer would then recommend that soldier for a VC because they were grateful. some of the VC decorations seem a bit-- they show a bit of favoritism. as do some of the Pour Le Merite awards-- like Herman Goering, for one.
well, that and German was a conglomerate of a bunch of different states (which were mostly ran their own internal matters) and subsequently had more medals than you could shake a stick at.

Prussia, Wuertemburg, Saxony, Bavaria, all had different awards (there's at least two other provinces that I can't remember off the top of my head)

there was also the "Grand Cross of the Iron Cross"--but I dont believe ANY aviator was ever given this distinction in WWI. (only five of them were given out during the war, presumably to generals or chiefs of staff or some such thing)

most video games/flight sims will pick the late-war standards for being given victories--since that's what most people enjoy flying the most.
So then to keep our friend from switzerland happy, we'd need to differentiate exactly which area of Germany the Jasta originated from, as well as the time frame of the war. To be historicaly correct. Rather than award an Iron Cross with Crossed Swords and purple ribbon to a pilot who indeed did not deserve it.

To me it sounds like a tremendous waste of resources ( personal opinion)

I'd much prefer the medals, the way they are, and give me the Gotha, and leave history to the historians, after all, this is a flight sim. :ernae:
True this is a flight sim, but a VERY immersive one and the more extraneous detail we could add could only heighten that immersion. We don't need to complain that it's not there yet, which I don't think is being done, but these things can always be jotted down perhaps for later addition either by the OFF team or by someone else for later inclusion. We've done things like that in the past, we can do it again in the future. Probably a good start if someone wanted to lay the ground work for such a project would be to make a database witht the country, region, date range, award criteria, etc. with a bit of randomization thrown in. I think it would make a neat tie-in with the new reporting system. Perhaps more flowery mission reports could garner better chances for a medal, etc. Doing little things like that and some background activity between missions would add a lot to the immersion. And that stuff is all done outside of CFS3 so it wouldn't require upgraded machines or detract from the flying itself. Kind of a bit of role playing atmosphere that helps flesh out your pilot and make you more invested in him. Maybe you might be more careful with him if he had a mother and father who lived in Wiesbaden, and worked at a small hotel, 5 beds.
If someone wants to do the spade work and make a database of squads, regions dates, awards types, what are available, rules applied at that date/time/location we can certainly look at adding more detail later. P3 has more detail already so should satisfy most.
My favorite award is getting back on the ground without my bE-hind on fire!!


Was'nt it Napoleon who said, "I can get men to risk thier lives...aka...do almost anything for a simple strip of ribbon, or chunk of shiny metal." ....or something thereabouts?