3 simple questions


Charter Member
I recently bought an Alienware quad core with 64-bit Windows XP. So far I am very pleased with the machine. However, when I try to install Holger Sandmann's Glacier Bay scenery it gives me an error saying that "Microsoft.Net Farmework 2.0 is required", which apparently my computer does not have.

So I download Microsoft.net Farmework 2.0, but it will not install on 64-bit operating system. So what are my options here? BTW, what the ?? does microsoft.net framework 2.0 do, and why it is important for the FSAddon sceneries?

Also, what does FSSound.DLL do for FS2004?
MS.net framework usually is required by some installers.
Isn't Glacier Bay also installable "by hand"?

On the other hand:
A newer ("higher") version of MS.net framework (3.0?), able to run on 64bit systems, should do the trick.
.NET Framework is not like most software in which later versions have backward compatibility and "more features" like Microsoft Word or even Windows. Each version of .NET is independent of all the others. If a program is written to work with a particular version, then ONLY that version will allow the program to run. So, if a program is written "under" .NET version 3.5 (as I am doing right now), then the program will run if and only if version 3.5 is installed on the computer, regardless of what other versions may be installed on that computer.

I'm afraid that, if .NET version 2 is required for this installer to work, but version 2 will not work with WinXP 64 bit, then the only solution is to install the software on a WinXP 32 bit machine and transfer the files across,
hope that helps,