3 Stupid "turn off questions" from a Newbie


Tony & Kaiser

Please excuse me if these have come up before. I did a search, and could not find any threads, perhaps I am using the wrong search words. I have been trying my new MCFS3 for a week, and thanks to the kindness of SITTINGDUCK, for the last three days, OFF. I am having three problems and cannot find the answers in the manuals.:

1. Is there a way to turn off the floating text over each target? I would rather get close and figure out for myself if it is friend or foe without this giant distracting text floating over each aircraft.

2. Really annoying, is when I make a hit on an enemy place, it comes up on top of the Screen 'YOU HIT JOHN SMITH" or what-ever. Over and over and over.... I'll know I hit, when the plane goes down. That giant screen text takes it from an immersive simulator, to a game. Is there a way to turn this off?

3. And finally, I cannot stop my engine when landing. I press Ctrl 1 as this is the only thing I could find in the handbook, for 'deselect engine'. If I only have one engine, it should stop, right? So after landing am hammering at Ctrl 1 screaming "NOOOooooo!!!" as I slowly rumble towards a hanger or trees after landing, and die. How do I kill my engine?

Any advice on these three VERY frustrating features would be greatly appreciated. Tony http://www.kaisersbunker.com/
Between the STICKY OFF Tips & Cheats, and the OFF Official FAQ, linked to in Sticky, all your Newbie questions, and then some will answered.

Believe Me: When I say nothing Personal. But doesn't anybody read anymore, I want the answer but I don't want to get off my butt.

Welcome to OFF :ernae:
1. Labels toggle cntrl+shift+L

2. Run the csf3config program in the OFF main directory and you can turn off all the warning messages.

also Display Text toggle shift+D kills some of the messages

3. Mixture idle cutoff cntrl+shift+F6

or shift+m (magneto decease) about three times will also kill engine

And yep...read the FAQs...lots of good stuff there.
Hey ho, welcome to the madhouse..
suggest you read the sticky by Gimpy ... OFF cheats and tips :173go1:
They're all mostly useful but post #11 has the answers to questions 1 and 3 and many others.. I dont know about Q2.. BUT my comment is this.. most times you hit the target the plane WONT go down .. Interestingly you didnt complain about the big red text which tells you about your damage and when you are about to die.. :wiggle:
2. Run the csf3config program in the OFF main directory and you can turn off all the warning messages.


This config file is important to get the best from OFF, and your post does seem to suggest that maybe you haven't looked at it closely.
E.g. - The sliders where you can choose 1 thru to 5. Aircraft at 5; terrain and sceneryat 3,unless a top notch system which can take 4. Slider at 5 for these two can be counterproductive. Your system can be" seriously assaulted "by slider at 5. :)
I'm hoping that somewhere there is a picture illustrating the best settings for the config file, but I can't think where it might be. Someone on the forum with the expertise might be able to post some pictures of it, or know where they are already.
Rest assured that this sim, when configured, is the best looking sim by far that is out there. It's worth getting it right.

And welcome !
The config override settings for and Nvidia graphics card are different than the ones for an ATI graphics card, or at least they were. I copied them from the forum before the great crash. If you need them I can look them up for you.


I would appreciate the config override settings for Nvidia graphics cards.

I run on an Nvidia GeForce4 Ti4200 AGP8X at present and I'm having a few video issues since playing with my CFS3 config file.

If you could dig it up I'd greatly appreciate it.

This is the info that WM posted a while back. It seems to be general settings and may differ slightly from card to card, but it's a good place to start.

When somebody identifies themselves as a newbie, they deserve a little slack without the righteous arrogance. Also, I have often found that if I'm new to a game, it can be enormously more efficient to ask the question on a forum rather than pouring through all the resources to try find the answer. When I'm lucky, I get a response from someone trying to be helpful.
Thanks you sent this JPEG - my game is running anything but smooth, and I hope I can improve that. Each time I get at an enemy's neck, the graphics suddenly "stutter", as if to say: "Sorry, but the guy in front of you has a tattoo in his neck saying "Mummy, I love you", and we need to load that up. Do you think, that can be improved, or is it just Microsoft?
(Hey, Gimpy, in the case you have written about that in your Tipps and Cheats department, I'm really sorry, and yes, I am lazy sometimes, as I come home tired from work, and just fancy a little help "online"; and I assure you, I have often benefitted from your general and generous assistence).
Cheers; Olham
When somebody identifies themselves as a newbie, they deserve a little slack without the righteous arrogance. Also, I have often found that if I'm new to a game, it can be enormously more efficient to ask the question on a forum rather than pouring through all the resources to try find the answer. When I'm lucky, I get a response from someone trying to be helpful.

I must be somewhat fatuiged, answering the SAME questions, time, after time, when the STICKY is there for just that reason. Perhaps a more resonable solution, would be to keep my mouth shut, letting any newbie in question, stumble around in the dark, and find his own way.

Prior to the Crash, we Had 200+ pages of threads that could be searched for the answer. Now there's just the Sticky, and the stumbling. :kilroy:
Below the middle, I think, must look tomorrow. But graphic card and processor are only a year old now and should easily handle this - I think, it's a Microsoft game problem. But I'll check everything tomorrow and report. Thanks again, CJ; and Good night (well, here, it's midnight now) Olham
You must be trying to set some kind of record this week

Between the STICKY OFF Tips & Cheats, and the OFF Official FAQ, linked to in Sticky, all your Newbie questions, and then some will answered.

Believe Me: When I say nothing Personal. But doesn't anybody read anymore, I want the answer but I don't want to get off my butt.

Welcome to OFF :ernae:

I must be somewhat fatuiged, answering the SAME questions, time, after time, when the STICKY is there for just that reason. Perhaps a more resonable solution, would be to keep my mouth shut, letting any newbie in question, stumble around in the dark, and find his own way.

Prior to the Crash, we Had 200+ pages of threads that could be searched for the answer. Now there's just the Sticky, and the stumbling. :kilroy:

I see two more new members here ask a simple question,
Instead of posting a link to the Sticky you keep referring to or telling them where they can find it , You again chose to belittle them
I do not have or even begin to think that i have anything close to your
personal knowledge of OFF,
But when someone asks a question, I will try to be respectful to that person instead of going off in a rant as you call it
Maybe someone needs a TIME OUT

If you have an onboard sound chip instead of a dedicated PCI sound card, you'll get some stutter from the siren sounds over an airfield, an artillery barrage, or the first couple of rounds of gunfire. I'm hoping that Saint Nick brings me a Sound Blaster Fatal1ty for Christmas. But I may have to try and build one myself out of the coal and sticks that I've earned this year.:costumes:
I see two more new members here ask a simple question,
Instead of posting a link to the Sticky you keep referring to or telling them where they can find it , You again chose to belittle them
I do not have or even begin to think that i have anything close to your
personal knowledge of OFF,
But when someone asks a question, I will try to be respectful to that person instead of going off in a rant as you call it
Maybe someone needs a TIME OUT

I do believe you're right, some time off may be just the ticket, maybe I am suffering from a bit of burnout, I'll try Lurking for a bit. Cheerio
Bless your heart GimpyGuy, you are a good man and you do know your stuff. For some newbies, that's me, posting anything on this or any forum can be intimidating. What can I possibly have to say to add to the general discussion? But we are all new at some time. And thanks to you and your contributions along with those of so many others this forum is great! And to think of all that we will be sharing when we experience BHAH. Gimpy and the rest of you "heads" out there will have new things to share with the rest of us. And we will be happy for it.:applause: :ernae: :applause:
To Cameljockey,

Many thanks for that, I will try the settings suggested.

This is the info that WM posted a while back. It seems to be general settings and may differ slightly from card to card, but it's a good place to start.


This is a VERY GOOD POINT!!! Keep in mind also, the Anti-Virus you have, the Firewall, the Windows updates... even the add-ons to Internet Exploreer or FireFox will effect the PC performance which in turn effects OFF.

Getting high-end frame rates can be done on lesser PC's, it's all how you set it up, and that's really based on you and your PC. We can always help, but truthfully, it's only advice. You have to know a little about your PC other than 'it's black with a power button'. ;)

We're always here for anyone, and we can certainly help.

All the best,

I'm running a less than ideal system and haven't changed most of the default settings (I have upped the screen rez to my native 1280x____) and seem to be getting 56-60fps frame rates at cruise altitudes. Add scenery (terrain) at lower altitudes or put several hun a/c swarming in front of me and the frame rates drop. I can't say how far as I've been too busy dodging machine gun bullets to notice, but I think I see 40-46fps.
It's an old Dell E521, so it isn't the best out there (well, it's been modified a bit from stock...:kilroy:) running XP. No AV, no win updates, no net connection when flying.