3DS Max and CFS3 compatibility question?


Charter Member
Hi all,

Does anyone know if 3DSMax is compatible with the CFS3 SDK? I've gotten fed up with Gmax and downloaded 3DSMax freeware for school and wondered if I can use it to create M3D files.

What I'm asking is if anyone knows whether or not the the SDK game pack is compatible with 3DSMax? I don't know why they wouldn't be, but you never know.

Thanks, Chris
Unless you're using 3ds Max 4 (iirc) it isn't. You still need Gmax because the later versions of Max are not compatible with the exporter for CFS3.

There is a way around this if you want to build in Max: build the model, map it and get the textures sorted; then export the model to Gmax using the BFF script. With the model in Gmax you can then sort out the animations - this is the only thing that doesn't reliably export using BFF. Export from Gmax to CFS3 is then straightforward.

PS: incompatibility is also a problem for Max users building for FSX - versions 2009 and later don't work with the FSX exporter either and a limited solution is to use the Prepar3D exporter, just as long as your model isn't too complex. Max 2013 doesn't work with the P3D exporter either, not yet anyway...

PPS: if you think Gmax is difficult you're not going to find Max any easier, not by a long chalk. Gmax is a cut-down version of 3ds Max 4.
Thanks. I used 3DSMax in school and found it easier for some weird reason. I guess it's because it's primary purpose is for architecture and engineering
Possibly because Max is one of the industry standards and there are many people who know how to use it and teach thickos like me how. But it's still not easy...