3ja_b5n-2 won't show up


Charter Member
I've been playing CFS2 most of my life, but I decided to come back to CFS3 for awhile. I have noticed that when I download and install the 3ja_b5n-2 aircraft it does not show up for free flight or anything else. The 3ja_a6m2, 3ja_a6m5a, 3ja_d3a1, and 3ja_ki43-2b I have downloaded shows up just fine. Anybody know what the problem might be? Thanks.
did you check the file goes? is it in aircraft or aircrafts?
did you play it in PTO? ETO? or CFS3?
if it's in ETO you can check the aircraft in British aircraft but if you use NEK redux in ETO there must be inside the japanese navy flag (JPN)
Make sure the Aircraft Type is still set to 0 in the air file.

I checked the air file and the aircraft type is set to 0. I just have a separate install of CFS3 on my hard drive. Haven't changed the name to PTO or ETO. My icon on my desktop is named Combat Flight Simulator 3 as is the main folder on my hard drive. I did install NEK redux and there are two Japanese flags to choose from. JPA for the 3ja_ki43-2b and JPN for the 3ja_a6m2, 3ja_a6m5a, 3ja_d3a1.
This may be obvious, but don't forget to check the spelling of the country="" in the 3ja_b5n-2.xdp file, compared with the speliing within the nek.xml file (or whatever file you are using within the campaign folder to specify the range of countries available for missions, etc).

There are various Japanese entries that have been used in various installs of CFS3 e.g. IJN, IJA etc, so you need the correct one in your country.xml file, your pilotconstants file, etc etc.

Otherwise, you can simply change the country in the 3ja_b5n-2.xdp file, to one that works in your install, if you only want to see it in Quick combat mode.
