4.09 IS released

hi guys, I already have the beta version installed; does it no arm when installing and let overwriting this ultimative version? thks a lot for advice! gianluca
I thought I read somewhere that it can't be installed over the beta version. I don't remember where I saw this.
Well I went for the jugular on this one and installed the final release 4.09 over top of the beta version and what an improvement. I don't know if it will work installing over top the beta, but on my computer, I didn't have any problems with the installation. Plus the game runs outstandingly well.
What all do I need to download to get the complete patch?
Go to the Mission 4 Today website and both patches are available there. Ensure that you are registered of course, click the downloads button, scroll down to the downloads area, and both files are there. Both files are applications, so after downloading, installing them is a simple one click operation. After installing both files, start up the game and the opening screen should show the version as 4.09m.

I thought there was only one?

Oh, and I tried to install over the beta patch and the game CTD. Glad it worked for you. I ended up having to do a complete install. No biggie.
Tenspeed, there are four items to download:
1. the actual 4.09m.exe patch (~560MB)
2. the 4.09 skins (~260MB)
3. the .pdf guide
4. the Readme File

After that have fun.........:bump:
I got the patch, and so far its great....

...but nearly useless online...

My regular haunts are still using 4.08m, and I am sure that they will move to 4.09m in time, but this brings up a glaring topic. And I'm sorry if I bring up a sore spot...

When IL2 first came out is was praised for many of it's advances, but it was also praised by the online community for being uniform. No mods had yet been created for it, and thus only the official updates were there to improve the game. This protected online play to an extent by making the version of the game simple. You could only play with others who had the same version, but that was easy to do.

I don't know much if anything about the modding community for IL2. But from what I've seen, the mods are getting so varied that it could be an issue of having to many versions out there to play online effectively.

The CFS series was 'condemned' by many people who follow IL2 early on for the series openess for modding, and right fully so because it made online play a hassel at best unless you knew who you were playing with, and understood what they were using.

It going to be 'interesting' to see where IL2 goes from here. Yet it may not matter when SOW is released...
I too am looking forward to SOW, and when it is released, it will blow the socks off 1946. Just my personal opinion.
Many thanks for all the info guys!!! A big thumbs up to all of you!
Got the new patch up and running, and I like the performance improvements a lot!! Have it modded up, and running just fine too.

I get my mods from an offline group, where I can pretty well pick what I want. Some of these new mod packages coming , like "Ultra", will push your install to around 14 GB! Don't want an install that big myself.

While new cockpits are being made, 3 temp pits have been released so I can fly the RE 2000, G 55, and the CW 21B. Got a new RAF Mohawk IV, and a cockpit package for a slew of 109's that goes to 1.3 GB,lol That's just the cockpits, have so many 109's now, can't remember the exact amount? Includes a 109 F0, which only a handful were made, but still, not a version you see very often.
Any upgrades for the Pacific available as well?

It seems all new addon are dedicated to the ETO?

Its a bit unbalance!
Any upgrades for the Pacific available as well?

It seems all new addon are dedicated to the ETO?

Its a bit unbalance!

In my MODS I have



ffb_Thailand ( good for Flying Tiger missions )



The Slot ( 4 maps of different time periods of Guadalcanal )



In my MODS I have



ffb_Thailand ( good for Flying Tiger missions )



The Slot ( 4 maps of different time periods of Guadalcanal )




hi Talon; are this Burma theatre available? it seems to be so but where then? can it work with this latest version?
thks a lot; Gianluca