400 mph


Charter Member
never a recipe for longevity in a Tripe.......after warping I'm overspeeding @ 400mph and usually am stress damaged trying to slow down..doesn't happen all the time..serves me right for warping at all I suppose...anybody else run into this? Can this be added to the 1.3 fix list if possible? 1.2 looking beautiful and definitely improved frame rates and all the other fixes work.....muchas gracias OFF team
The only time I've gotten even close to that speed is riding down a wingless fuselage from several thousand feet up.
Suggest you tryout OFF Tips & Cheats #17

It's not quite 400mph, but you'll swear that last 500 feet were.

As far as the Warp Problem is concerned, I'll probaly get it myself, as I Warp with the Tripe frequently

I can only come up with two possibilities, uncheck stress damage in Workshop, OR you cancel warp manually, by monitoring the mileage travelled via the TAC. :kilroy:
Not seen that but you can warp and end right in a storm cloud.

Guys we can't just "fix" everything you see. First we have to identify it as a bug for sure, and then work out HOW to fix it. For that we need details, and how to reproduce it. WM and the team may work miracles sometimes, but he needs to sleep too.