5 little files that do oh so much


Retired SOH Admin
Going through the rather bulky folder of scenery that I need to unpack and install in my various sims (mostly Golden Wings specific stuff that will find a place in my SW installs for use as pure eye candy if nothing else). Anyhoo...came across a small zipped folder that contained only 5 files. Small package...yet this one is pure DYNOOOOMITE! Those 5 files make a huge difference to the look and feel of FS9.

What is the package that I am blabbering on about? Feng Zhu's (I hope I have that right) Tree_Gen V1.0. Trees, trees and more trees. And not a single billion foot tall tree in sight.

For those who are new or fairly new to FS9, or for those who have been here so long they have developed Simulation Alzhiemers, grab this little package and install those 5 little files. I downloaded my package off of Simviation.com.

Thank you Feng! You have made squirrels, birds, dogs and me very very happy having all those trees in my sim.

OBIO, don't know if you're using Tim Fuch'sReal Environment Professional or not, but Feng's TreeGen comes with the package. I always have those textures installed in FS9. :applause::applause:


Don't have the Real Environment Pro installed other than in my one stock install. The rest of my installs are Golden Wings and Silver Wings (condensed down to 2 of each instead of 3 of each). GW and SW are enhanced with the HDE Clouds only....and now Tree_Gen.

Going through the rather bulky folder of scenery that I need to unpack and install in my various sims (mostly Golden Wings specific stuff that will find a place in my SW installs for use as pure eye candy if nothing else). Anyhoo...came across a small zipped folder that contained only 5 files. Small package...yet this one is pure DYNOOOOMITE! Those 5 files make a huge difference to the look and feel of FS9.

What is the package that I am blabbering on about? Feng Zhu's (I hope I have that right) Tree_Gen V1.0. Trees, trees and more trees. And not a single billion foot tall tree in sight.

For those who are new or fairly new to FS9, or for those who have been here so long they have developed Simulation Alzhiemers, grab this little package and install those 5 little files. I downloaded my package off of Simviation.com.

Thank you Feng! You have made squirrels, birds, dogs and me very very happy having all those trees in my sim.


Thanks for the tip
Those trees look great!!!!!

Just got finished flying around Friday Harbor

Here's a link I came across while searching for Feng's Tree-Gen. This link will activate a download from Feng's server or what ever....updated/fixed files for tree gen from January 2008...which are newer than the files in the Tree_Gen1.0 I found on Simviation: This link was given by FengZ himself back on November 16, 2008


Copy the link, paste it into your address bar on your bowser, hit GO. It works that way...not sure why it won't work via a click. You will get a straight download...choose to save it to your HD....You will need Winrar to open the package as it is a .rar and not a .zip.

glad you like the trees OBIO. :) I made those one day cuz i was so frustrated with the lack of trees and not to mention their enormous size... :)

here's a link to some screenshots:


i still never fixed a small alpha problem which appears only if you are flying through fog. You will see a tiny "bar" appear above the trees in some rare cases...but it dissappears when you get closer. The "fix" version you linked gets rid of most of these bugs...but i believe they still show up on the winter/fall trees....

that did the trick, thanks.
fortunately, I've got winrar on this machine
so I'll open it before I move it to the beast.

thanks feng, I look forward to checking it out.
For some reason the copy link and hit go does not work with FireFox but it does work fine with IE.....just in case :jump:
With Firefox, you actually have to highlight, copy, and paste the link into the address bar. The right click, copy link thing does not work.

The actual shortcut behind the link's text had some extra garbage. It's fixed now.

I've think I've been running TreeGen since it first came out - it's one of those files that stays in a group of "absolute much installs" that I keep in case I ever need to reinstall FS!