58-9 sst bounces


Charter Member
I have downloaded JRLucariny's Convair Model 58-9 supersonic transport, to find out the wheels are rising in a similar manner to thomas ruth's tu-144 and FSFrance's Project MAch 2 Concorde

I tried moving the model reference datum point and it's weight datum point and changed the contact point's position.

But when i try it out, IT BOUNCES LIKE A LOW-RIDER ON STEROIDS!!!!!!!!!

What can i do?
Before you start modifying the aircraft.cfg, you should contact the author for assistance. If there is an issue, payware or freeware, they should be willing to correct it.
Messed Up

That B-58 FDE's are most likely Bob Chicilo's FDE, so giving credit where credit is due. Lucariny don't know squat about dynamics.
Chuck B