6 picture post limit?


Charter Member
Hey, Forum question....what's the reason for the 6 picture limit per post? Is that some old hold over from back in the day before the high speed internet revolution to keep page loading times down? Just curious why the limit?
Have you ever heard of a thing called bandwidth? Everything has its price. When you want to invest in the quality of the site here you are both more than welcome to make a contribution.

And perhaps its also nice to realise that not everybody here has access to high speed unlimited internet.

Yep - when I was active before, I donated at every fundraiser. Even when I was damn near broke, I'd still put in at least $5. I felt like crap for donating that little, but it was all I could do at the time. This place has given buttloads to the FS community, with very little in return by comparison. If the site charged even 25¢ per d/l, they'd have enough surplus in the bank that they'd need Jeff Bezos' tax lawyers every year.
To follow up Huub's reply, we are attempting to cater for a range of members who have a variety of different services.
We've had numerous questions over the past several months about the site loading slowly, something out of our control given the present World wide situation.
The current 6 images per post should be enough for all and remains in place.
Ok, well, I guess let's pursue this.... I'm not trying to start anything here other thsn satisfy my curiosity. I was just really curious what the differences is between posting 18 pictures in say, 3 consecutive posts vs 18 in a single post? In my understanding the only difference is convenience to the poster? Bandwidth seems to not be the reason because 18 images are going to load regardless. So I was just curious what the limit is actually accomplishing aside from the inconvenience factor - ie: is there a technical (IT) reason to impose the limit?
I am pretty sure it was increased to 6 by Ickie a number of years ago.

I wrote a post that I need to support my findings with images and that post was over the 10,000 character limit. He upped the character limit to 70,000 and increased the number of images to what I needed. I can't recall now what the limit was prior to that post.

I have no doubt your original assumption on dial up speeds was correct for the number of pictures in a post prior to the change.