64bit and drivers



Dear All,
As you know I am just about to do a computer upgrade and my son who is doing it has asked me if there is anyone who is running OFF on 64 bit and are there any driver problems, with regard to game, joystick (MSFF2) and rudder pedals (CH). If there are I will probably tell him not to bother unless it is not too difficult.
Best regards,
Hi There,
No problems.

I run OFF Phase 3 (on the team) with Vista 64 bit and so do others on the OFF team.

I've got Thrustmaster throttle and stick and CH rudder pedals. Also running TrackIR Pro.

All runs fine. You may need to go to the manufaturers sites to download the latest device drivers (such as the latest operating file for TrackIR), but nothing out of the ordinary.

My rig has 8 meg ram and runs OFF Phase 3 Beta at 1900 x 1200 on a 24 inch flat screen. That's with OFF settings at at max with FPS of around 40 to 55, dependent on how busy things are on-screen. Of course your CPU and graphics card GPU etc will make the difference in perfomance.

I'd say go for it.