727 Options


Staff member
Thinking about getting a 727 with a VC. I've got the HJG one which is excellent other than it's lack of a VC. I'd much prefer one in which isn't all about the systems. That kind of stuff is why there's flight engineers.

So what are my options? Payware is a possibility
I have the CS (FSX) 727 and it is great. Just enough complexity to make it real, e..g, start up via APU,fuel, electrics, but not spend 30 min working out FMC entries, etc. It has a terrific VC. Ditto their 707.
AFAIK payware is your only option for a 727 with vc.

I have the FS9 version of the CS 727. I'm a "kick the tires and light the fires" type of flyer and this model suits my flying style just fine.

It has a nice enough vc, if you're familiar with their 707 at all you'll feel right at home in the 727.

I recommend it, but keep in mind I'm not an expert airliner captain.

I've heard good things about the Dreamfleet 727, but I've never tried it myself.
I've had the Dreamfleet 727 for a number of years. It's brilliant.

Don't know how it compares with CS one, but was told the Dreamfleet one is better.

There actually IS a freeware 727 with VC. It is the 727 made by Thomas Ruth.

It can be found a most major Flightsim sites, like simviation.com.
Long, long, long ago when I was stuck with FS9 for a time, I shot Tom an e-mail about the 727's source files. Never got a reply though. It would have been a bit of work to convert all the animation and gauge code into FS9 format and you would have lost a good deal of texture resolution going from 2048 to 1024, but oh well, I'd have done it especially as even the payware offerings are not up to what I'm used to*.

*None had a clickable VC, right?
There is a freeware 727 with a VC for FS9 on Flightsim.com, by Alejandro Rojas. The filename is b727pkt.zip.
Downloaded the Rojas 727 and the update that includes the Lufthansa paint. Hope to have time to mess with it here in a bit.
Just took it up for a test flight. Not too bad with the flight model, as it seemed reasonably right. The fly in the ointment though is fps. I was getting 1 to 3 fps at my usual test airport. Haven't looked into potential causes yet, but it looks like I've got another project. Time to go visit HJG and see what they have that I might could adapt.