767 er


Two freewares devellopers offer the B767
Opensky and IFDG
Good reviews here: (pratically all the B767 availables reviewed! C.S not included))
I use the two differents freewares and they are good enough(certainly with some customisations ... ) .. exept the main landing gear problem (only noticeable when in external view :) )
Plenty differents Air Canada liveries availables for the two models AFAIK.

Im spoiled and not giving up my Level-d 767 and CS 767 in Air Canada colors. for Freeware in Fs9 I'd go with the Posky personally and if you wait a bite they have a V4 in the works.
great link with the reviews! :applause:

it seems that none of the models come with a 2-d panel, vc, or sounds:173go1:
seems like i'm out of luck for a complete model, freeware.

What kind of issues are you having and on which version? If it's POSky's, did you swap panels?

Please spend 2 minutes to read the reviews or go in external view at landing or take off with those models.(IFDG and Posky)
The problem is main gears sinking in the ground or floating in air !!
For the Posky .. I know very well the nozewheel prob (90° position) when you use not good panel .. lol .. and it's a solution posted somewhere on the Posky forum for get rid of this anomally when you use a third party panel.

it seems that none of the models come with a 2-d panel, vc, or sounds

If those missing .. you can find easy on Avsim or Flightsim many panels (VC excluded) and sounds for add to those planes...
I like customisation :)
I can't speak to the iFDG models, but I just downloaded and checked the POSky version in UPS colors. The landing gear sunk into the ground will be easily fixable with a little contact point tweaking. The nosewheel angle/panel stuff is not an issue with this plane, since it doesn't have the XML model coding the requires the panel entries that make them work properly.


You may be interested to know that Hiroshi is in the final stages of design on an entirely new 767 with all the exterior XML bells and whistles that he's been so good at lately. I don't believe that there's a VC planned, but the exterior is shaping up to be a thing of beauty!


Edit: Hiroshi's working on another innovation - see the last page of the thread!
I should read a little more carefully, thought we were talking about the 'triple 7'.

I'd also like to see a freeware 767 with a VC.

The landing gear sunk into the ground will be easily fixable with a little contact point tweaking

I suggest you to try to tweak the contact points ... and post the results
The entire FS community will cheer you :applause::applause:
I have tried myself to dead .. and not good outcome.
Why ?
Cause the animated boggies :)

Hiroshi is in the final stages of design on an entirely new 767
And unfortunately .. I read nothing about a main landing gear correction for this updated model.

I want to see same screen but taken 1 second after
And unfortunately .. I read nothing about a main landing gear correction for this updated model.
This isn't an update. It's an all new scratch build with XML model coding for nearly all of the external animations. If you've seen the gear animation for the 777 or the latest 747, you know what to expect.