9.6m NED Terrain mesh


Charter Member
FSGenesis has [FONT=Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica]9.6m NED Terrain[/FONT]mesh.

Has anyone used mesh with such high resolution?

Problems or cautions?

Thanks in advance!
- H52

I have an FSGenesis mesh file for Yosemite that I'm pretty sure is of that
resolution. On my system it works pretty well for a smaller contained area such as Yosemite....however, in quite large areas like the entire state of Califonia, I would probably want a much more powerful machine.

I just checked and it says it is 10m.
you also need to set the correct value inside FS9.cfg or 9.6m won't even show up.

TERRAIN_MAX_VERTEX_LEVEL=21 (the default is 19)

Thanks for the comment, Mid... I'm considering that resolution only for the Grand Canyon.

Absolutely correct, FengZ!!!
The first 30m scenery I installed neglected to point that out. It was only after scrutinizing other 30m Readme's, that I stumbled upon that bit of info.

Thanks for the input.

- H52