A-10 Wart Hog cannon effect


Charter Member
Wart Hog cannon effect up in the "others" download section.

Now maybe you will fly the A-10 a little more. Maybe go work over an enemy compound.

Let me know what ya'll think of it! I've had it a while and wanted to upload it but didn't think I knew how to go through the steps to upload it.

Hope you like it!
Just a suggestion, if you happen to have Active Camera:

Some may or may not know about this Active Camera feature.

This works good to observe the A-10 working over a ground target.

1. Fly to and your target area.

2. Now fly to an altitude of about 1500 ft or so and a distance of around 1-2 miles away from the target and start circling so you will stay in about that position. You are waiting for the Fly By camera to reset.

3. While at that altitude and distance wait for the flyby camera to reset. Right after the camera resets, select from the FS9 dropdowns, [Options]-->[Active Camera 2004]--->and then uncheck [Activat Fly By].

You now have set an stationary elevated viewing platform at about that altitude, and about that distance away from your ground target from which you can observe the A-10 working over the ground target/enemy compound at a distance. You choose the altitude and the distance that best suits you. Where the camera resets is where the platform will be.

1. Un-checking [Activate Fly By] turns on the new flatform.
2. Placing a check beside [Activate Fly By] returns you back to traveling fly bys.

For acuracy of aiming simply cycle to the cockpit to lay out a burst of rounds.

If you tire of the remote arial platform view, simply put a check back beside [Activate Fly By] and you are back to traveling fly bys.

Though I would post this just in case some may not know you could do this with Active Camera. I use this feature a lot. Really nice when flying airbatic type aircraft or to simply observe any aircraft being put through manuvers. Adds a sense of uninterupted flight, while at the same time it gives the feel of space volume and depth. Basicly puts a tower view where ever you want it and at any altitude.
Good suggestion: in FS2002 you could drag the tower in map view, to your aircraft, and it would snap to that position and elevation.
In FS9,for some reason, it appears to have lost that ability.
Good suggestion: in FS2002 you could drag the tower in map view, to your aircraft, and it would snap to that position and elevation.
In FS9,for some reason, it appears to have lost that ability.

Thats strange I seem to still be able to do that :isadizzy:

I thought I remembered that feature in the FS. I thought it was something I done to lose that capability or that FS just lost the files. That was about the same time I went from FS2002 to 2004. Thanks for clearing that up Wing Z.