A B-29 for FS9


I have been looking for a good model of a B-29 Superfortress for FS9 and apparently the only one that fills the bill at the mo is the Wings of Power model. I have not been able to find that plane either for procurement or freeware and was curious if anyone knew where to get it.

I've been tinkering with Gnoopy's "Superfortress Mania" models and although very well thought out, are a bit dated. His RB-50 however, despite it's age, has a lot of nice features like 3D props, detailed GMAX model with reflective textures, smooth animations, and accurate FM's giving that "heavy bomber feel".

I got the WoP B-29 with the old Heavy Bombers & Jets pack that came out years ago. I don't think they have offered it for sale for several years now and as far as I know Shockwave/A2A has never released a former payware product as freeware.

Gnoopy did a great job for the time with his B-29. For me, between the two, it's always been a tossup with Gnoop's having the freeware advantage.

I think it contains three A2A packs, the bombers and jets, the fighters, and the CFS3 addon thingy. If you get the FS9 ones be sure to vist the forums for the updates.



Standalone bombers and jets: http://www.amazon.com/Wings-Power-add--Microsoft-Simulator-Pc/dp/B0002IWYLS/ref=sr_1_1?s=videogames&ie=UTF8&qid=1451074112&sr=1-1&keywords=bombers+and+jets

standalone fighters : http://www.amazon.com/Wings-Power-I...qid=1451074193&sr=1-2&keywords=wings+of+power

be as well with the powerpack to both.
Thanks for the links JD :encouragement:. I'll definitely have a go.

I have to agree Willy, in my early days with FS9, I flew Gnoop's B-29's. For the time period, they were tops. Still tinkering with the RB-50, spending some considerable time in that cockpit.
