A beautiful Cessna 150/152


Charter Member
There is a beautiful freeware cessna 150/152 out there in cyberspace for FS9 made by some frenchies.

Does anybody have a link to the download, please?

Thanks for this great HU, but oh man I must be tired. I must have screwed up the DL instructions a dozen times before I could read straight :isadizzy: I better put the gum away if I'm going somewhere soon.

Well I'm glad I persisted. This is quite the little gem. Clickable everything in the cockpit (almost fell out when I clicked on the door in a bank), rare weathered textures (big thanks there), inside window reflections, animated crew and the subtlest vibration effect while flying. All it needs is a 2d cockpit (guess the French like minimal instrumentation).
Speaking of putting your gun away. Y'all might want to keep it handy to man-handle that crazy instructor's arm waving antics. :rocket: I was ready to kick him out at 5,000ft until I realized I could leave him home with a wee click of my mouse
I once saw on a sim forum somewhere a Texas taildragger version of the Fravin 150/152. I have J.E. Narcizo's tailwheel 150 - which is one of my favourite FS9 birds - but I'd certainly like to try out the Fravin bird if it's available. Any leads?

I came across a Texas conversion 150 today...a tail dragger....along with a ski, float and tundra tired collection. Can't remember who did the packages....but I found them on AVSIM or Flightsim.com. No VCs in the planes. So if you, like me, fly from the VC, don't bother going after these planes.

Can't say now the modeling or flight characteristics were on these packages...I only unzipped them enough to see if they had a VC....saw they didn't and they went straight to the trash bin (well, not actually...I used Eraser and erased them with a 7 pass overwrite).

The Cessna 150 from the FS-Tutorials site is a really nice plane. I have crashed it a good number of times. Am not really a Cessna kind of guy, but I like this plane. My 4th grade teacher, Mrs. Cartwright, and her husband had a C150 that they flew a few times each week. They also had a floater that they kept up at his parents house in Alaska...can't recall what it was. But I have fond memories of the photos of the 150 that Mrs. C. had thumb tacked to a small cork board back by the drinking fountain. Blue and White.

I know the C-150 taildragger you're referring to, OB; it was a nice attempt by it's designer but needed more development (beyond the lack of a VC I could never trim it out to fly straight and level no matter what I did. Narcizo's bird was much nicer and came with a paintkit and a nosewheel version as well so it wasn't a difficult choice).

Rich, click on the link again, underneath the banner is a list of links in blue ( news, tutorials, etc), click on downloads. When the downloads homepage comes up there is now a list of links in yellow under the links in blue. Click on planes in the yellow list and when that page comes it should say General aviation in red and right under that is the link to the 150 page, click on Cessna 150. Scroll down to where it says Download files here in yellow, click on Cessna 150, enter the user name and password given to you in the flashing area that says Pay Attention (case sensitive) and the plane is yours.

Great piece of work that I haven't taken out in awhile, thanks for the reminder, now off for a little spin.
Rich, click on the link again, underneath the banner is a list of links in blue ( news, tutorials, etc), click on downloads. When the downloads homepage comes up there is now a list of links in yellow under the links in blue. Click on planes in the yellow list

and when that page comes it should say General aviation in red and right under that is the link to the 150 page, click on Cessna 150. Scroll down to where it says Download files here in yellow, click on Cessna 150, enter the user name and password given to you in the flashing area that says Pay Attention (case sensitive) and the plane is yours.

I had already been on all those pages.

Followed your instructions to the break. It does not say General aviation in red but it does say that in a blue banner across the top. Then it says in red but it's not a link....



If I scroll down there are links to repaints but there's no link at all to the aircraft.
5 Steps





Step 5

Read the PAY ATTENTION PLEASE !!! : For Username and password


Here is what I did to get mine (and I did again as I typed these steps).

1. use the link posted above by Thunderbolt

2. Just below the (blue on my PC) banner at the top of page click "DOWNLOADS"

3. Again at the top of next page just below the "DOWNLOADS" button click "PLANES"

4.On the next page a little further down under "DOWNLOAD:" click on "CESSNA 150 - François-Denis Guidée and Yves Franckart"

5. On the next page, still further down, look for the box ---

Download file(s) here :

CESSNA 150 - François-Denis GUIDEE & Yves FRANCKART (46 964 Ko)

PAY ATTENTION PLEASE !!! : This download section is protected against hotlinks. The user is : ENGINE, the password is : START. It's case sensitive. (Rich: the user and password may be different thatn these as I don't know how often these are changed)
and click on the link

CESSNA 150 - François-Denis GUIDEE & Yves FRANCKART (46 964 Ko)

This will bring up a password entry box and you MUST fill this in to proceed. IF successful youl get the download box and your set.

This does work as I did it again as I typed these instructions.

BTW I use IE 7.

Good Luck
Ok, I figured it out. On a lark I tried IE and it worked. I use Firefox. That whole section to download the aircraft is simply not there in Firefox. I was doing everything right from the beginning last night. Really weird. Thanks for the help.