A Beautiful Stearman


Charter Member 09
I'm looking for the beautiful Crop Duster Stearman that somebody produced that was detailed to the inth degree. He set the standad for all the plane designs that followed.
Does anybody remember who it was?
I have both these Stearmans installed and they are excellent.

The Stearman by David Eckert has the 215 hp Lycoming R-680-5 7-cyl radial and flies more like the Continental 220 hp Stearman I fly for real.

The crop duster Stearman by Robert Sanderson has the 450 hp Pratt & Whitney R-985.

I really like the cockpit and vc in the Sanderson Stearman and find it most realistic.

It would be absolutely great if the Eckert Stearman had the same cockpit detail as the Sanderson version .....

But I'm happy as they are as I get to fly the real deal every week :jump:
