A better Mt. Rushmore?


Hey out there. Is there any Mt.Rushmore scenery available bedsides the stuff for FS2002? It really needs some help and I think it could look very cool if done up nice. Just watching North by Northwest and wished I could buzz around the monument in style.
Any scenery takers?
I've often wondered and looked for a new version myself. It's the worst looking landmark in FS9 IMHO.
Pretty bad. But all someone needs to do is build on what is there. Add some rock face, a visitor center or two and some roads like the nice job done around Mt. St. Helens by Steven Rosenow. Some very nice stuff that.
Doh! That's what I get for trying to offer help after a 6-day week!
Not your fault at all. I think I messed up a saved flights name or something and now it can't find it to open. It involves the previous flight one. I think I'm skwewed.
You can fix those by the changing the flight's name in your fs9.cfg file to one you do have.

SITUATION=C:\Documents and Settings\your name\My Documents\Flight Simulator Files\Beech D-18 at KTGC