A Better Text Editor

Tom Clayton

Staff member
Meet Notepad++. I used this one a little back when I took Python, but I've really come to love it in my HTML class this semester. I've known for a while that Flight Sim cfg files are identical to ini files found all over the place on MS 'puters. So I configured the program to treat files with the cfg extension the same as it does ini's, and then set it as the default editor for that filetype. Granted, many of the features like the nested indentations seen in more complex code are not needed here, but the color coding of section headers still makes it so much easier to find what I need without having to actually use the "find" function. You may also notice my chosen font is a little unusual. It's called Andale Mono. It comes in two versions - one with a slashed zero, and one with a dotted-center zero. You can get either version here.
I've been using that for a couple of years now. I'd be lost without it when editing XML code.

It is a great little program and the clipboard history is a fantastic feature.
I just spotted something I've never seen in a decade of owning FS9. The registration "N568OP" is invalid according to FAA registration rules that state no I's or O's are allowed to avoid confusion with 1's and 0's.
It's a great program. I use it with the "SourceCookifier" plugin which lists the sections down the right hand side. Simple double-click to jump directly to the relevant section.

View attachment 94301

Nice tip re. the font. I've have to try that.
I just d/l'ed this. Thanks! Looks like a great program! Could you give me directions as to setting it up like you did (the colors on the header, treating cfg files like ini filesetc)? I'm playing around in the settings without much success.

I also installed the "SourceCookifier" plugin but whrn I load an aircraft.cfg the tool tip says there is no matching extension in the language settings.


I've got the language settings is SourceCookifier set up like this for .cfg files:

View attachment 94306

It uses the same langauge as .INI files. As far as I can remember all you need to do is add the .cfg extention to the list.
got stuck same place...

where does the. Cfg entry get added..all the add buttons are disabled when the ini is selected.

This is a asweet editor, and this plugin would make it sweeter.

Thanks fellers
Highlight INI in the left hand pane, then type ".cfg" in the box below the greyed out "Add" & "Del" buttons under the Extension box. Once you start typing, the "Add" button will become useable.
Hi Dave,

Ref. SourceCookifier

The INI entry in the left panel is not present after the first installation. It needs to be added manually..

Question though...:

I have copied your language settings, including the 's' as a Tag Type, but get an error message in the addon:

'ctags.exe:Warning: Unsupported parameter 's' for --INI kinds option'. All other letters don't work either.

Also the menu in the right pane of your screenshot doesn't appear - just the title 'aircraft.cfg'.

Are there any hidden settings (options?) that might need altering?

Kind regards, Stuart.
The first time I opened the Language Settings dialog, it looked like the attached pic. The .cfg entry goes into the box marked with the arrow. I noticed that the other entries include the "dot," so I included it in my entry and it's working well now.