A BIG thank you Donation drive!

huub vink

Staff member
Dear friends,

On our main page DangerousDave has posted an explanation about what and when we will do with the money you will donate and why we need this amount. In short: The bills need to be payed and our servers are running since 2010 and need an upgrade or replacement.

As said on many occasions already; the Sim-Outhouse is from its members and ran by a bunch of volunteers. The only way these volunteers can keep this place running is when we can get enough money together to keep it running.

So without your donations no club house, even when it it just an outhouse......

Thanks for your attention and hopefully your generous donation!

Its nearly the end of the month. I assume for most people the time their pay-check arrives. Hopefully there is still some money left to invest in your and our hobby!

We just reached the 70% so only 30% left to go....

Your donation is highly appreciated!

Guys the clock is ticking............

At the moment I write this, we are still $1670 short. I can imagine you all have other things on you mind like Covid-19, the new oil-crisis, Brexit, trade-wars, climate change, etc.

So its the perfect time to make a small donation as the Sim-Outhouse is the perfect place to focus on something else!

''...the Sim-Outhouse is the perfect place to focus on something else!''

Ha ha, goed gezegd Huub.

Too damn right!

Think of all the freebies, help and advice you get......what's that worth?

Dear all,

We made it again. Despite the huge problems the world currently is facing, you made it possible again to keep the Sim-outhouse in the air.

Next to all the sorrows and grief the Covid-19 virus has and will cause, this crisis is or will also be causing (financial) problems for most of us. Therefore I consider this a huge group effort, which will make it possible to meet each other here for at least another year.

A huge thank you to you all and please stay healthy,
