A bit of work on the old alphasim F-8 Crusader


Charter Member
Hi All!

I decided to spend a bit of time over the past few days mucking about with the old (now freeware) Alphasim F-8 Crusader and have redone the textures of the VMF-321 aircraft more to my liking, and adjusted a few things in the cfg. file along the way.

I edited the cfg file to add the MER's and Mk 82's to the payload section (as well.. you can't 'unload' them), edited th fuel flow scalar to give a realistic combat radius of around 480 miles.. (straight line.. nearly 1000 mile range at 42,000'), moved the pilots viewpoint up a couple of inches, added a bit more drag to the flaps to get the thing slowed down a bit quicker, and edited the contact points to get a nice looking 'sit' on the tires.

I know there are other edited cfg. files out there, but this one suits me!

As far as the repaint goes, I used the Alphasim paintkit... and tweaked it in photoshop till I had what looked good on my screen (others perceptions of the colours may be different depending on monitors, screen settings, etc.

A brief synopsis of the changes to the 'stock' VMF-321 aircraft;

On my monitor, the grey upper surface colour was too blue, as were the panel lines and shading. I adjusted this colour to give a more accurate representation of the upper surface gray and took the blue tone out of the panel lines and shading. Again.. it looks fine on my screen! :)

The dark grey-blue of the spine and vertical tail was cleaned up as well as I could, but left in basically the same hue and intensity supplied. It looks good on my screen, and didn't want to go bluer. I may redo this to see what it looks like in future, but am happy with it as is.

The reds were brightened up (intake warning chevron, ejection seat warning triangles) AND the front of the wing.. visible when raised.

The shadowing under the missile rails on the fuselage sides were extended to meet the dimensions of the rails.

The aircrafts Bu number was added under the horizontal tailplanes

The #10's on each side of the nose were canted in the opposite direction to the ones supplied to match photos of the real aircraft.

The Mk 82 bombs were redone in a different colour, subdued a bit, and received minor scuffing.

The main wheels were 'cleaned up' to remove the yellow brown grease staining on the originals and the disk backing plates painted an off white as well.

The tires are now darker, with a bit of dust visible on the contact surface.

So, bottom line, here are a couple of screenshots of the repaint, and if anyone has the Alphasim F-8 in their hangar and likes this scheme, please comment, and I'll see if I can put together a file to download with the texture bitmaps and changes to the cfg. file.

Thanks and happy flying!



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Looks great to me :applause: Put me down for a copy if you bundle your mods together into a download.


Excellent work Sir!

One of my favorite birds... I was often at Danang back in 69...
Please make it available ASAP

Thank you,
Very nice sir! Superb, clean crisp textures really bring the old bird back to life in those shots.
Geezz, I thought I'd deleted or moved my trusty ol' F-8 Crusader from the sim but after wandering through the hangar... there she was... with 2 flat tyres.:dizzy:

working on a few little tweaks...

Thanks for the favourable response!

I'm working on a couple of niggly things that bugged me...

The national insignia on the fuselage is too far back, so I've spent a few hours.. literally.... getting it where it belongs... not simple, as now the star and bar crosses the line between two texture files per side.. and those files are sized differently! so... a bit of trial and error to get everything lined up.. and I'm pleased. :jump:

Still not entirely sure about the underwing star and bar placement.. looking for a reference photo lol...

forgot to mention.. the underside of the wings are now white.. not the gray supplied!

Screenshot of new fuselage nat. insignia placement...
she will be done soon!



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Looking very good indeed!
Shame 'The Last of the Gunfighters' was put to work as a 'Bomb Truck' but those Marines did a bloody good job, at least they never attempted to bomb us Aussies!
Even the elderly Alpha FS9 version looked decent enough externally, and still resides on one of my FS9 installations.
I've uploaded the textures

I've gone as far as I think I want to with this... at midnight, while flying from Miramar to Shemya Alaska... I decided that the intake trunk needed some 'definition'... so spent an hour in photoshop 'tweaking'......:dizzy:

There is probably more. but enough already.... it looks just fine to me now...

Crusader re-vamp

Thanks for these superb textures for the "Gunfighter", Bushi. After changing the tires and wiping some dust off the ol' gal I rolled her into the paint shop and dressed her up with your new paint. Tugged her out to the service ramp and lighting up the engine as we speak! Outstanding work, mate!
