A break for Lionheart



I know he is working on some nice airplanes, but I think he may need a break.
I know he would like to do the one I am suggesting and would have great fun doing it. Some of you must live close, offer him one of those "you can't refuse deals".
Some pictures so you know the one I am talking about.
Wow! what a nice looking aircraft. What is it - a Waco? Some of my favourite aircraft are round engine between the wars American aircraft i.e Waco YMF-5 and the Stinson SR series
Waco YPF7. Round engines, and in most cases, two wings are better than one.
OleBoy...where did you find that picture? Have been looking two days now and no luck. Do you have one of a Stearman, Engine cowled, wheel pants and polished everything that you could post?
Any particular registration? I found plenty without the wheel pants, and without the cowl.


Dave Eckert did a really nice Stearman for FS9 and Bill Lyons and Piglet both have done some nice WACOs.
Dave Eckert did a really nice Stearman for FS9 and Bill Lyons and Piglet both have done some nice WACOs.


And.. (get this).. Bill Lyons 'Waco' is in Gmax format! :d (Bill hated Gmax, but man.. I think its an awesome 3D design engine.. His bubble cowling on his Waco turned out brilliant! First rate modelling!)

I remember bridge buzzing around the Hudson using the Lyons Waco on floats years back! I need to find a copy of that one again!
OleBoy....those two are just fine. Now when your resting how about a Staggerwing, DGA-15, Gullwing, D-18, or a J-3. Grand Champion types. Take your time, don't want to bog this forum down.
Thanks much.