A case to buy direct?


I have purchased a lot of stuff from PC Aviator. They are in South Carolina, my wife's home and where I was stationed at one time. Among the purchases were A2A products and Carenado aircraft.

Last week both companies released products updated for V4 . PC Aviator has yet the release the updates. If I had purchased them directly from Carenado and A2A, I would have the updated aircraft. So has to not just pick on PC Aviator, Sim Market did the same thing with FSUIPC.

Content distributors have a lot of competition. Rarely are they the sole distributor of an add-on product. It would behoove them to quickly release a upgraded product. Especially, one that is version critical.

Someone please correct me if I am wrong. In my mind all it takes to put the new version in the distribution channel is a few like of html code to set up the link and change the copy slightly.

I take a buy direct policy where I can . Keep the developers happy. Has its benefits such as Milviz - will cost nothing to upgrade to v4 but if bought from shop there is a $5 fee and of course, the fastest updates.