A CFS3 Magazine ?


Charter Member
Just got back into CFS2 and found they have a CFS2 magazine. I thought this would be a great idea for us CFS3 fans.What do you all think ? Found them very helpful because i've been away from CFS2 for so long i forgot about much. Having one for CFS3 would be very helpful for newcomers as well as for new stuff coming down the pike and just news in general for all of us.
Could be fun if somebody wanted to put it together. A long time ago somebody was talking about this for CFS3, may have been the same guy who does the CFS2 one.
Could be fun if somebody wanted to put it together. A long time ago somebody was talking about this for CFS3, may have been the same guy who does the CFS2 one.

That sort of rings a bell. I think it was the same guy. What would be in the magazine that isn't here on SOH? I note there is no specific CFS3 site on SimHQ but they have WOTR and the IL2 sims there. Would be nice to get more penetration for CFS3 with all the improvements.
I guess it would mainly be to highlight things you can find around here, or like Scott mentions, updates on projects, modding tips, or reviews on existing add-ons, could even interview different community members as a way of getting to know a bit about the people behind the screennames around here. Just thoughts. I'm too busy building things in my CFS3 time to do anything like this, but I'd probably enjoy reading an issue every month or every other month.