A Choice


Charter Member 2014
Hey there Guys & Gals -

If you could only have one airplane in your flight simulator, which one would it be? Personally, my hangar is approximately the size of a small town, but for me it was a pretty easy choice: The Beech D18S by Milton Shupe et al.

So I was wondering what plane would be chosen by my fellow simmers. Anybody else have an absolute, you can only have this one, go to plane of choice?

Freeware or payware, single or multi, recip or turbine. Makes no difference.

Just thought I'd ask.

Just one? My favorites change almost hourly. Thinking of which one I seem to go back to the most it has to be the KBT P-3 series.

But that can always change tomorrow. :)

One of the main reasons I fly in MS flight simulators is that you can nearly fly any aircraft.

But In FS9 I would most probably fly the A2A Bf-109 E (even with all its shortcomings) and in FSX it would (currently) be the Classic Wings FW-190 A8.

Easy choice. The Aerosoft Beaver. Simply great for bush and vfr flying. My start flight is the beaver amphibian with the misty moorings paint sitting at PAKT.
Version 4.0 L-1649 with the N1649 paint from earlier versions. The XML code that reveals the developmental pitot is still present in the 4.0 model. If you want the skin, search N1649 in the library here.
My favorite seems to be the one I installed most recently or the one I'm tweaking at the moment.

If I have a 'default' aircraft it's Owen Hewitt's Bell 206 with euroastar's lowskid mod. I fly it most in an OH-58 skin and use it to explore new sceneries and such.
My favorite seems to be the one I installed most recently or the one I'm tweaking at the moment.

If I have a 'default' aircraft it's Owen Hewitt's Bell 206 with euroastar's lowskid mod. I fly it most in an OH-58 skin and use it to explore new sceneries and such.

I wish I could find a really good UH-1 or Bell 204/5. I always loved the Huey.

As for my favorite, Aerialfoundry's F/A-18 hornet. Love that plane.

MAAM DC-3. At least if it was the only one I could get round to flying all the repaints I have for it!
for me it'd be a new version of the good old BAC Tactical Strike/Recce 2 (that's TSR.2)... just imagine how it could be with the advances since the old Alphasim/Virtavia one was new! *Drools*

but my FS9 'Squadron Hack' has always been, and always will be Kirk Olssons F-16 Block 52/52+, naturally in Polemikh Aeroporia markings... just can't keep away from the thing :)
I love Connie....

For me it's the [SIZE=-1]FSDZigns L-049 Constellation, it's the first add-on of FS9 I installed and it's still my fav aircraft.
Funny you should think of that one. That was the first one that popped into my mind when I saw your question!

LOL. Me too.

Like the RW aircraft, it has something for everyone.

Awesome aesthetics, powerful TWIN radials, amphibian capabilities, great bush flyer, a joy to fly...

and in the hands of someone like Matt Younkin; a truly sparkling performer second to none!

Anyone for the Elephant Waltz?


And a touch of Vangelis.
for me it'd be a new version of the good old BAC Tactical Strike/Recce 2 (that's TSR.2)... just imagine how it could be with the advances since the old Alphasim/Virtavia one was new! *Drools* :)

You hit the proverbial nail on the head, mate. The TSR.2 has been a mainstay, through the last 3 'puters I have had FS installed on. However, Milton's XA-28/38 'Grizzly' has probably seen more mission time, than any of the planes in me virtual hangars.

for me it'd be a new version of the good old BAC Tactical Strike/Recce 2 (that's TSR.2)... just imagine how it could be with the advances since the old Alphasim/Virtavia one was new! *Drools*

but my FS9 'Squadron Hack' has always been, and always will be Kirk Olssons F-16 Block 52/52+, naturally in Polemikh Aeroporia markings... just can't keep away from the thing :)

Agree on plane but I would have to come to North America for the markings. :) :wavey:. Couldn't pick a specific squadron though.

Any CalClassic DC6 and when I have crashed that for a final time I would like to replace it with an SM79, either one of Manuele Villa's versions which have the 'hump', or the original passenger airplane from LAGO which has no 'hump'. They both have Handley-Page leading edge flaps and fly very fast:applause: Beautiful.
