A cool surprize....


Hey all,

Check this. Totally caught me by surprise.

Go to Aircraft Selection center,
Click on a plane,
Click on the sub-plane type,
Click on 'Information' (bottom left button under the plane) and watch what happens.

I like.... :icon_lol:
Interesting! Amazing what we overlook eh? But Ssshhhhh don't let on to the others, might make 'em buy P3D if we can pique their interest. lol
I agree with AussieMan!

'Shoooo-dup!' and just buy it.

If it doesnt run smooth, you can get a refund.

Its been great for me. Runs smooth on my Windows XP 32bit rig with 4 Gigs of Ram. I am loving it.... Running ORBX, PNW, etc.

I have hardly even looked at FSX since I bought P3D.

Sadly, I havent been in FS2004 in a long time. That was my baby for many many years.... I could never get used to FSX. So unstable, I would freak out each time I tried to go on a nice, long flight.