A Couple More Questions


I've been inactive in the hobby for long enough that I'm having trouble figuring out stuff that I probably used to know how to do. As I dabble in getting FS up and running and configured to my taste on my present confuter I keep coming up with questions that I probably wouldn't have had to ask a couple years ago. Here are two:

1. I guess this is really a cascading series of questions. Active Camera has stopped working. Absolutely stopped, like it wasn't even installed. It worked yesterday, it doesn't work today, and I haven't done anything at all to FS in the meantime. I hesitate to reinstall because I recall reading that each new installation requires a new product key, and that those are no longer obtainable.

Does anyone have any ideas why it might have stopped working? More important, does anyone have any ideas for how to get it working again? And does anyone know if it's true that a new product key is necessary for a reinstall, and if those are really no longer obtainable?

2. Again, a couple related questions. I tried to run Multicore Environment to make FS9.exe capable of utilizing all the cores of my four-core confuter, and it won't start. It pops an error message telling me that my firewall won't allow it to connect with the Internet, and shuts down. I put it on my firewall's allowed list, turned off my firewall and shut off my AV and it still says the firewall won't let it communicate.

Any ideas for why MCE can't connect to the Internet? Can anyone suggest why it even wants to? Seems to me that it should be able to work on a file on my confuter without going outside the confuter.

I can set the affinity of FS9.exe to All cores, but that just means that it can tap all the cores - I don't think it necessarily means that it will... Or does it...???

I've had problems with active camera registration also. I wrote to the dev and he was very helpful. But ac has a piss poor activation system. That's just the way it goes. I suggest you write to the dev.

I tried that multi-core thing (I have two cores) and gave up on it. Never did get it to work.
It's possible that somehow during activation of active camera, the key assignments got scrambled. I had that happen to me a couple weeks ago. All I had to do was open up that active camera menu and reenable everything. If you mean that the menu isn't there at all, well, then I don't know. But I would suggest double checking that you have both the dll and the cfg in their respective locations.
I can't help with AC or MCE, but I can tell you my previous experience with a dual CPU was less than successful. Once FS9.exe is running, you can set the affinity to more than one core and it will begin using them. But since the program was coded for single core, it actually caused a slight drop in frames. On my current quad core rig, it still defaults to only one core. When I open the affinity settings in Task Manager, all four are already checked, but if I uncheck/check the all processors box and check the core usage again, only 0 and 3 are active, and the total usage is still only 25%. So even running on more than one core, it's still only using the equivalent of a single core.

Thanks Guys,

I'd read somewhere (here?) that it was no longer possible to contact the developed of Active Camera, but I'll give it a try.

I'll also try re-enabling everything like EM suggested.

Interesting about Multicore Environment. At least it's not just my rig that it won't work on. And it sounds like that doesn't matter anyway. I guess I should try NOT running it with affinity to all cores.