A couple of questions?


Charter Member
Hello, Next week I"m going to buy FS2020 (birthday gift). This is what I need some help with. I played it back when it came out on game pass. I decided to wait as it had some bugs. My thought on this was to buy the standard edition instead of the deluxe or the premium deluxe edition. Then use that money I would save to buy some addon aircraft. How does that sound? Any reason to buy either of the others?

My second question is what military aircraft is there (ww2 and fighter jets)?
Last question now are these installed as I'm getting it from steam.
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The way I looked at, is the price per aircraft was pretty cheap when you paid for the higher level version. So, I got the premium deluxe version and haven't regretted it at all. I think they also throw in some more custom airports as you move up. It does not come with any military aircraft. I bought mine direct from Microsoft. If you go that route be careful as you will not be downloading an install file but the actual program so point it to where you want the sim to be installed. I had to un-install and re-install to get the program to the SSD I wanted it on. Also, I'm glad that I did not go through steam as now when I launch vr, I don't need steam vr up and running. Or maybe some would like that option, not sure.

I bought the Deluxe package to get the "classic" C172 and the Baron (which actually turned out to be rather buggy, and uneditable since it's an upgrade plane). Also having a hand-crafted O'Hare is nice. But the only thing on the Premium list that held my interest was the hand-crafter KSFO, but I couldn't justify the extra $30 for just one item. So I suggest looking at what what's in each upgrade and weigh what you'll likely fly the most against the cost. The way I look at it, I ended up with one airport that I used on occasion and one plane that I use on and off that cost me $15 each - reasonable for payware products.
I got it in Nov when it was less buggy than at first release, but each update seems to be two-steps forward, one-step back, as some of the recent fixes have also introduced more bugs.

The 'classic' C172 and Baron are two of my favorite planes, and the hand-made O'Hare is nice, so I think the Deluxe is worth it. I think the C172 is pretty solid, but as Tom said, the Baron has a lot of problems, both in the flight model, systems and visuals. Despite that I spend a fair amount of time with it as I just like twin props.

As for military craft, as Loup said, none come with the sim, but there are some 3rd part offerings -- some native and some ports from FSX. The recently released Spitfire looks great, I think there's a F-15 out too.

I figure in about a year there will be plenty of offerings. I'd just like the developers to address some of the glaring issues and get the SDK done. Tomorrow's update should fix some and enhance the UK but there are bound to be new bugs pop up, along with the ones they haven't got to.

- dcc
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