A different MP issue


I know that the MP issues are being taken care of by the team and that using PD's workaround some people managed to enjoy MP. I tried a connection with a friend for the first time yesterday and we encountered a problem that has not been mentioned before. One of us set up a dogfight server and the other one joined. We followed PD's method and the host started the game and was off flying around. Then the client joined all right but once he hit start and he was in the air, the host's game shut down, crashing to desktop. We tried it both ways and always the host was kicked out. We are both running Vista 32.

Any of you ever had this happen? Could it be a memory error that might be sorted if we lowered our sliders? We both have the sliders at 5-4-4-5-5 and our systems are very similar (Q6600 2.4, 4GB RAM, 9600GT512) and offline play is very smooth.
I too experienced this the first times I tried to connect (as HOST). Whenever one of the clients would hit START I would lock up. And I am using XP so I will gues this is not an OS issue.

Granted I have not had many opportunities to try to connect with people. But at the moment the only success I have had is by using the CFS3.EXE, not the OFFManager.EXE. OFFManager.EXE just seems to stop (program not responding).

Hopefully this will be resolved soon.
Thanks Kami,

The OFF manager stops responding when the CFS3 engine is started. When playing campaign or QC it starts again when you exit CFS3, this is normal. PD's MP workaround is to kill the OFF manager after you get to the multiplayer screen, which I do, but I still get the CTD when someone joins.

According to Winder running CFS3.exe directly cancels all the P3 runtime enhancements to the CFS3 code like AI behaviour and others. PD has confirmed that. But if one plays just dogfight perhaps this is not needed. I will try this and I will also try a coop server to see if things are different.
The Dev's apparently found the bug and fixed it in 1.2..

I know it's been worked on and the bug is already squashed but I'm not sure if it is this bug or the plane mismatch bug, that's why I mentioned it.
mp problems

just guessing here, but I would say either you didnt do the fix right, or, you did the fix but then ran off3 from the overflanders field afterwards, which negates what the fix does.

But, the problem you mention is exactly what the fix is suppose to correct.

I plan to try and get a game up this evening, hopefully around 8edt.

If you want, we can try and get you squared away, with both me hosting, and you hosting.

if you dont have teamspeak, try and get it. makes troubleshooting way much easier


If you start with the manager every time,and once you load multiplay and ''kill the manager'' then host a multiplay mission all of the phase-3 enhancements are locked in and you will be online with the phase-3 ai.
The only time it reverts is if you start the game the second time by the cfs-3 exe.
So,start by the manager every time,then kill it and go into multiplay with everything as it should be provided you donr shut down the game.


We have a boys of 60 online test at around 9 pm your time 2:00 pm here in north america.

This will determine the direction we take with this game as we will fly a none modded version with the zepps and ai gotha only plus the balloon facilities on my site.

pd mp fix

oh great,,,so ive been telling everyone the wrong way???

I did the fix, and ever since have been running mp only, and from the shortcut i made to the cfs3.exe......( i thout for sure this was the way it was laid out)

And, if i do it as your post above outlines, am i going to get a "better" mp game?
Duck remember I couldn't connect and was asking about which mission u were running? That's when I was killing OFF manager the way PD described above, but then I had to pick a mission to go any further...

I am assumig you are talking about the "select pilot for active duty" window, that also has the date overide, and then the drop down for the missions.

Dont think its been established, but I dont think it matters what mission you select. Kinda like the window in off3, that has the "go to field" at the botton, and was "go to hanger" in off2,,,,there is a place to select your plane there, but i doesnt make a differeince what you select,as you can change your plane when you get to the field.

damn i hope the 1.2 patch comes out.

and hey,,,had the exact same thing happen to me with crankpin that happened with you....I was 100 feet behind him, following him great, and all of a sudden i could see his guns firing,,,,was close enough to tell that his bullets where going somewhere in front of his plane,,but,,all of a sudden i started taking hits....with him still clearly in front of me (from my perspective). Not sure if starting mp from this other way will correct this, but did get some software that lets me capture the screen activity to an avi file... gotta feeling unless i can show people what i am seeing no one is gonna belive this is happening....

and,,,as always...get teamspeak.....some of us are begining to think you are female,,,and just dont want us to know we are getting out butts kicked by a girl (no offense wf2)
That's funny, the same thing used to happen in Mig Alley MP. You are shooting at a Migs 6 and he is shooting at yours at the same time...
it works either way

one you have phase 2 ai

one you have phase 3

what you are exsperienceing is regular cfs-3 online hosting anomolies.
if anyone as host dosent have the best of the best in both computor and internet then the game will never run correctly online.
we have 4 years of online exsperience and at times it isnt pretty.

or when i was chasing my evil twin at 12000 thinking it was u while u were at 1800...lol
mp problems.....

ok, understand what you are saying, but never happend to me in off2.

and, you are saying that it is possible to have a target in front of you, from your perspective, and they have you in front of them, from their perspective...thats pretty wild....

still gonna try and get it on video,,,,its pretty amazing to see it happening.
We both have the sliders at 5-4-4-5-5 and our systems are very similar (Q6600 2.4, 4GB RAM, 9600GT512) and offline play is very smooth.

I'm sorry but with your system specs I find it very hard to believe that OFF runs smooth for you in any mode with those settings.

We must have very different ideas on what is smooth and what's not.
Hey SittingDuck, putting up a game anytime soon? I connected instantly to Deadmeat's game last week and flew for close to an hour without issue, would like to try again...
mp game

yes,,,hope to have it up by 8pm edt.....hopefully internet will hold up.

Would like to think that the "phantom" plane in front of me will reoccur, and will try and capture it,,,,if not on vidoe, but with a quick screen shot

will post in forum with ip when game is up.

can you host?