A F Scrub at it again.


Now, some of his previous upgrades have been welcome, but this time it's the Groundcrew design Me110 nightfighter
getting the makeover. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it already ran just fine in Fs2004 (well it does on my system)

I guess those over in the dark side will jump on it.

What say you?

Over at flightsim.com if you want it.


There is already a 'make-over' of this fine bird, both "G" and "E" models for FSX by Enrique Medal. It is basically the same model and textures as the FS9 version which were already awesome to begin with. Enrique re-worked the panels, both 2D and VC adding a choice, of either the stock FSX British gauges, or a set of custom German gauges. BTW, that panel mod works beautifully in FS9 too, with a bit of tweaking, and it is very well done IMO.

Not sure what "Scrubby" has done with his modification of the Bf110... might be worth a look tho...

I downloaded both the Bf110 model altered by Scrubby from Simviation and the one immediately behind it (Moziguchi's P-39) from Erik Hertzberger.

I'm running FSX Acceleration and the Bf110 runs fine -- no trouble. However, the P-39 refuses to load and comes up with a Windows box that states "You have run out of video memory. Change your settings and reload again".
I have gotten this message a few times from other models that have been converted from CFS2 to FS9/FSX and just had to toss them out.

Does anyone have any idea(s) as to what the problem might be ?? Thank You.
I downloaded both the Bf110 model altered by Scrubby from Simviation and the one immediately behind it (Moziguchi's P-39) from Erik Hertzberger.

I'm running FSX Acceleration and the Bf110 runs fine -- no trouble. However, the P-39 refuses to load and comes up with a Windows box that states "You have run out of video memory. Change your settings and reload again".
I have gotten this message a few times from other models that have been converted from CFS2 to FS9/FSX and just had to toss them out.

Does anyone have any idea(s) as to what the problem might be ?? Thank You.

Ah, Good, I found the answer to my question on another web site.