As I am still waiting for the postman could someone from the OFF team give me some feedback on the following:
1. Will the flightmember fly closer to each other than in P2? The distance between aircrafts are too large during normal formation flying. Not realistic in my view.
2. Is it possible to zoom in-out when in Flyby view?
3. Are all the airfields visible during the whole period 1915-1918, or do they appear historical correct? P2 has too many airfields at a given timeperiod.
1. Will the flightmember fly closer to each other than in P2? The distance between aircrafts are too large during normal formation flying. Not realistic in my view.
2. Is it possible to zoom in-out when in Flyby view?
3. Are all the airfields visible during the whole period 1915-1918, or do they appear historical correct? P2 has too many airfields at a given timeperiod.