A Grahipics problem with BoB Add-on


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I have developed a graphics glitch in my BoB add-on.

All other graphics are fine except for smoke effect. Smoke be it from a downed aircraft, damaged facility of flak is formed of grey squares.

I have not changed any settings.

The only thing I did different is add the JU52 from Reg's Hangar with it's shared file.

Any advice gratefully recieved.

My first port of call would be to remove the JU52 entirely and see if the results are still the same.

Yes= Problem with the the JU52 or associated files.

No= Problem in main install.

Even though you say you have not changed any settings it is always an idea to check again. Lower settings can give blocky effects.

yes like sir NSS said rollback is the main thing to see if its work

maybe you can try to delete configoverrides.xml in c:\user\username\appdata\roaming\Microsoft
and run the game then go to option set back all graphics to 5
or try to copy all effects file from ETO and effects.xml
My guess - sounds like you are missing a texture file in the effects/fxtextures folder.

It must be a common one for various smoke effects.
Thanks Got it sorted!

Uninstalled the JU52 and it's share file no difference.

Uninstalled BoB, reinstalled and now everythying working!

Thanks for the help.