A Helping Hand!



Yes Gents, in these times of financial troubles, a helping hand is a good thing. I know many of you have your own websites, some for gain and others just as a hobby.

I would like to offer you a free service to the SOH Squadron members only. I will submit your websites to the top 66 Search Engines for free, through the Advanced Search Engine Software I own.

If you would like to accept, then I will need your email address, the site title, your site URL. I will make the submissions for you and then email you the results with a screen capture. Rest Assured - this is a safe service and you will never be bombarded with spam emails.

I have been making submissions for Sim-Outhouse.com "secretly", for some time now as my way of helping out as part of the family.

Send Your details to sicilysflavours@hotmail.com



The submissions of your site where made a few minutes ago with good results for all engines.

Thanks for the request,
