A.I. Radar 2.0

Really going to have to bite the bullet and try this out now I, once again, have a reliable working computer.
Fantastic Steve! Just tried a GCI only and am realizing it will be pure luck if I ever find one without onboard radar. It's amazing any kills at all were scored that way.
I think we may be at a slight disadvantage. Most accounts I have seen involve finding the target by seeing the glow of red hot exhausts, which could be visible at some distance. Painting exhaust shroud textures with a light map could help, but CFS3 doesn't prioritize the pixels of distant bright objects and LODs probably also get in the way by dropping out the exhaust from the model too early.
I think we may be at a slight disadvantage. Most accounts I have seen involve finding the target by seeing the glow of red hot exhausts, which could be visible at some distance. Painting exhaust shroud textures with a light map could help, but CFS3 doesn't prioritize the pixels of distant bright objects and LODs probably also get in the way by dropping out the exhaust from the model too early.
My experiments in TOW with red hot exhausts requires me to get so close that really I can make out the ac silhouette. John helped me on that but if one wants to see them from an enemy's POV they would have to be such a bright red that it would be totally unrealistic from one's own POV. These were all +light files.
The red exhausts have always been an elusive target. All bombers have a blue bomber exhaust added to the airplane. While not red the blue is visible from about 200 meters or slightly more (faintly). Now if you wanted, you could make an effect that glows red and that could be added to the bombers to mimic the glowing shrouds. I know someone did this for me years ago, but don't ask me to find the effects..... The blue is nice since you can't always see them the fade in and out and are blocked by the airplane, you have to approach them just right, from the read and under usually works best.

This is in the effects file just searched for it and found it. So just add it to the exhausts in the xdp. You should see stuff like blue_bomber_exhaust, you can delete that and replace it.
So, I wonder if the EffectName="bomber_exhaust_blue_flame" can be made to show in daylight only? It would be interesting if we could have EffectName="ac_exhaust_glow" for night and the former for daytime. I might also try to add the red exhaust texture files and see how that looks withe the EffectName="ac_exhaust_glow".
Back to AI_Radar_2 , It might be just me, but my missions/training folder is empty. Also the heading for the AI radar app above the AIRadar_screen.jpg, shows beta, (actually the same in the beta), so is the app the same or just that heading detail? The reason I ask is that I doubled the jpg size for easier reading but it's not reflected in the actual app
James, I forgot to remove "beta" but it should not affect anything. In all fairness it was not beta tested anyway.

Also checked and the test mission is missing so here it is:


  • Oboe_test_Essen.zip
    1,017 bytes · Views: 9