a listing of or filter in FS2020 to find grass runways?


Mayor Emeritus of Taco City
tried poking the internets to no avail - all I am looking for is a way to find the unpaved aircraft facilities in North America - western Canada, US, Alaska...

if there is a filter in FS2020 to locate them I don't see it but sure would find it helpful - same for seaplane bases and runways
At the world map, look at the bottom of the screen and select "Open Filters", and you can filter by runway type as well as adjust settings for what is displayed on the world map, like wind and rain etc. Helipads and seaplane bases show up in the filters but I don't believe there are actually any in-game, unless part of an addon.

Thank you ! Figures it was in front of me the whole time and I missed it...Thank you ak416