A little elf delivered this earlier this week

It is a MkX with a little field modification ... meaning that I was not up to doing the research needed to make it 100%. I really wanted to do this model in honor of Greg Law. He was so kind to me to give me the original Mk1C mesh, the Ju 290, and FW 200. All of which I tried to do justice to.
Oooh, does this mean we might one day see some early model Fw 200s one day? Perhaps with the texture mapped onto a single sheet? Or a Wellington IC with waist guns? That would be fantastic!
Oh - well once James and I complete the TOWII stuff, I am going to make a Bay of Biscay add on. This will require all the Sea Eagle and Coastal Command planes plus a new Theater. If I can get this to work then who knows how far north I will go.......

The Ju290 is out there somewhere an A5 and A7 on a single sheet. As far as an updated Fw200 need to find the files (2009 era). Or just make a new one. The Wellington..... who knows.

Of course all the Sea Eagle and CC stuff depends on if I can get the ASV mkiii and the FuG 200 to work.
I am going to make a Bay of Biscay add on. This will require all the Sea Eagle and Coastal Command planes plus a new Theater. If I can get this to work then who knows how far north I will go.......

Wow! That would be fantastic!