I have that AAHS Journal and I just looked up the cited article. Alas, it doesn't answer the questions at hand. It tells a lot about period instruments, but nothing about controls, and none of the many cockpit pictures are of the MB-2.
I then went to the members section of the AAHS website and used their search engine to search the entire history of the Journal and came up with nothing useful for the terms MB-2 cockpit, MB-2 instruments, MB-2 controls and a couple others.
My best guess is that the big blue wheel on the lower right of the cockpit is an elevator trim wheel.
I dunno about those lower levers being brakes. That's an awfully odd place to put the brakes. But I must admit that in those days, a lot of airplane controls and instruments were put in odd places... But did the MB-2 even have brakes? In those days most planes didn't...
I have no clue and no guesses about the two items up on the panel.