A little help with Captain Sim Yak-3



I purchased the yak-3 from flightsim.com and installed it only to find the panel gauges missing in the aircraft. I wrote the tech support at FS.com and they told me to download the file again and reinstall but the only way i see to do that is to repurchase the yak. Has anyone heard of this happening with this model or is it a fluke?
I wish I could help you, but I can't get it 'activated' anymore. I redownloaded it, followed all the instructions in their support database, downloaded several utilities to get it working, but no go. Really frustrating!
I wish I could help you, but I can't get it 'activated' anymore. I redownloaded it, followed all the instructions in their support database, downloaded several utilities to get it working, but no go. Really frustrating!
having exactly the same issue with the yak 3 and F-104
Try going thru Captain Sim Support and get an offline activation. Was the only way I could get the Yak to work.
How does it go....Fool me once shame on you...fool me twice....

Purchased the yak-3 again this time from captainsim.com and had the same problem. I wrote their support and am awaiting a reply. Really bummed about how this is turning out but good thing it was only six dollars.
You shouldn't have to purchase the yak twice, you should ask for a refund on one of them. If you go to the website and click on support, you have to have your order number and it should link you to the products that you bought. Once their look under Active Services and you can find Extended Download Service, where you can get a new link for your product. Did you check your gauge folder and see if you have Yak3 in their?
Well, what would work best of all is to buy it a third time... from Flight1.
There, if you back up the installer, you won't have to mess with serials or internet verification to reinstall AND I know the installer there has the gauges right...
So get a refund of both purchases from captainsim.com and get it a third time from Flight1...
Hey Guys,
The CS Yak uses some of the Default gauges from FS2004. I do know for fact that the Modern Cockpit uses
the flight display gauges from the default King Air. I would start by ensuring your default aircraft have all their
gauges where they should be. If not, you'll have to re-install the fs2004 gauges (I believe on disk 2)
Hope this helps.
Last time I re-loaded the Yak it was a case of downloading a new product activation thingie to get it up and running..... :kilroy:
CS Yakity Yak-3

I downloaded the CS Yak-3 back on 21 July 2009 and still do not have the sucker in my hanger....After many, many attemp's to re-download and many blow-off's from CS support, I give up....For just $5.00 it's not worth raising my blood pressure any longer....CS has lost many $ from me for their brutish, rude, and inconsiderate NON support.....Since this is a public and civil form I will be unable to express my REAL feelings on the matter....Just let me say I'm, "steamed", to the max.....

I seldom discuss my negative experiences with developers, but I'll make an exception in this case.

My first CS purchase was in 2004. My last was in December 2006. Lately I have been getting e-mails of their latest products. Problem is that they are for FSX which I do not have.

I have sent several requests per instructions to have me removed from the e-mail server, but the e-mails keep coming. I attempted to access my profile to change the notification settings, but it requires my last purchase number - which they do not have on record.

So I have a profile on their mail server that I cannot access, and they have not responded to any of my direct requests.This morning was my third attempt to contact their customer support on this issue, so we'll wait and see if they understand my complaints.

Any payware developer who does not make an attempt to provide reasonable product support or respond to requests for isupport, will not see me buying their product again.
I'm another unhappy customer: Yak-3 and F-104.
I amused myself for a very long time batting this back and forth and eventually decided that CS had won.
They are unbelievable; I will never, ever buy anything direct from them again.
Likewise all emails containing the words "Captain Sim" are consigned to the junk container.

Having learned the hard way, I bought all my C130 and B757 variants from Flight1, and they are great.
It seemed that to recover the Yak and Starfighter, a visit to Flight1 did seem the only solution.

Well, almost.
A kind-hearted soul on another forum put the ripped files up on Rapidshare for me, after I convinced him I had the necessary purchase credentials.
I absolutely do not condone piracy, but sticking it to CS gave me total satisfaction in this instance: a case of Consumer Rights.
Since we're on the subject of Captain Sim I'll say I was very disappointed when my C-130 quit working. I had to replace the hard drive my OS was on (XP) and when I got everything up and running I was anxious to see if my flightsims still worked. They are on a seperate HD. My CS 707 and F-104 were fine but the C-130 had no gear or props. I tried a reinstall but the installer wouldn't run, got an error message. Uninstalled, cleaned the registry, downloaded the new installer from CS, still get the error. Seems to be a copy-protection issue as for as I can tell. I thought about trying to buy the disc version from Just Flight, but I'd be really bummed if that wouldn't install.

My service tag with CS "support" was closed with the standard "your problem is covered in our KB". I tried all the fixes there, even tried the offline activation, no joy. So I'm learning to live without my Herc.
CS Negative gear and props, (C-130J).


Howdy, had the same problem after W7/64 instal.....I just kept re-downloading the 130J link until one of 'um finally "took". Flew if for a week or so then lost the gear and props,again.....This cycle runs it's course then run the re-downloads again......I now keep a fresh set of CS "green" download exe. file's in a separate folder completely removed from the "C" drive.....So, any time I need to re-instal just run the exe. file.....So, far so good.......

Good luck,

Ref: CS Yakity Yak-3 Response.

Response #1........Rcvd: 14 Jun 2012.

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All your CaptainSim credentials public ? :isadizzy:
Sorry but it's insane ... you can have some troubles with Captainsim !! :icon_eek: