A little off topic, but was impressed!

I'm not certain, but I believe there's a repaint of that available on Avsim.ru for Ruth's model. It might require a little digging to find...but it does look familiar.

An-124s used to come into Philadelphia Intl here on a regular basis, as they were contracted to transport choppers overseas from the Boeing Vertol plant just adjacent to PHL airport. They're quit a sight to behold. It's like standing next to a mountain with wings. Very cool...
they're reasonably regularly seen at another nearby airport here (EMA, EGNX, East Midlands Airport) also have it's Big Sister travelling through from time to time, i remember being at Donnington the once on a track day, was stood on the Grass having a smoke and saw the -225's huge silhouette on approach... even to this day, after that experience i looove the -225, wonder how they're getting on with their plans to get another few made? anyone heard any news about it recently?
was just about to say i had just started the paintkit for the -124..... last weekend kinda got clogged up, looking good so far for the next 2 weeks being free! :jump:
well...... time to check it in sim.....

EDIT @ 1318GMT: Just Uploaded for all your pleasure, there were a few mapping oddities found so i had to compensate for them, but otherwise she's good to go! :salute: