A Little Perspective

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Charter Member 2011
Hey Guys everyone needs to lighten up a little.

The MAW update was planned contingent upon approval of the MAW team members, some had second thoughts and concerns so it was cancelled, it is just not a big deal.

As for the source files, in hindsight they should not have been recovered and Ed's work left alone as a tribute to him. The decison to delete them was based on a desire to protect his original work and calm the fears of those that felt that the work of MAW was being violated. It was not a decision of spite.

Flight sims and CFS3 should be a very low priority in your real life, it is with me and the forum content and comments should not be taken so seriously. I have learned that a lot of times we all wish we could take back things we have said but it does not work that way.

The staff here on SOH have always been helpful and fair and always seem to manage thru these rough bumps we the members cause.

Take CFS 3 for what it is a game, nothing more and enjoy it. If this is causing you a whole lot of grief then you need to re examine your life priorities.

Some of you know me better than others and know that I have "Been There and Done That". Believe me this little scrap is nothing.

Best Regards

You 're right about a lot of things but what I find very grieving in this whole discussion is that people apparently have such a low opinion of us, the ETO team or me personally, that they automatically assume the worst when it comes to way we would handle their work. I think it is exactly that what made Ted write what he did (and me for that matter).
Even as a minor modeller I would never dream of abusing someone's work and I would always ask permission/give credit etc. where due.

But I have to disagree on the "fitting tribute to Ed" thing. IMHO the reason that MAW is dead as a doornail is due to the lack of a follow up. Most, if not all, of the developers have moved on and since we are not allowed to do anything with what they have left behind, we can only sit and watch. This is exactly the reason why people get bored with games and why those games die a swift death. Now if that isn't a waste of several years of hard work by the Desert Rats, I don't know what is...
With all respect to Ed, those who cared for him and the Desert Rats, I'd rather be remembered as the guy that gave the community the tools to keep CFS3 alive for another couple of years than "that guy who once did the scenery for a long and forgotten mod".
(And now I run the risk of being remembered as the guy who got kicked around for making a harsh comment..)
Maybe this is not the best moment to make side comments ... if so I apologize ...

but ...

it seems to me that a lot of problems arise due to the cooperative work around add-ons being coupled with copyright/private sources and the like. This may be one reason while open source has been developped : it is NOT easy to make cooperative work in close source manner.

This being said ... as I develop nothing, I will not tell anyone how to release his/her sources. This was no more than a side remark.
I can't see anything stopping people releasing Mediterranean-type extras, such as aircraft, ships, vehicles and the like. You don't need our agreement to do that.
"Get thee behind me, devilled eggs..."

I can't see anything stopping people releasing Mediterranean-type extras, such as aircraft, ships, vehicles and the like. You don't need our agreement to do that.

Uh huh... and, for that matter let me ask this: If one or two or two dozen blokes wanted to add some campaign functions, spawns, facilities, aircraft, sounds(that's me) or what have you, from what little I know, could not this still be done w/o stepping on anyones toes?
But enuf already... I start thinking and ya know what? :isadizzy:
I can't see anything stopping people releasing Mediterranean-type extras, such as aircraft, ships, vehicles and the like. You don't need our agreement to do that.

Hi Nigel

I am sure that You have nothing against those types of add-on but what is lacking in MAW are many geographical stuffs which greatly affect the realism.
I am talking of rivers, lakes, routes and so on, if You fly over Italy You will find a completely dry land.
If You would make a campaign based, for example, on operation "Strangle" You will not have targets as being no rivers You will not have bridges to bomb; this was one of the reasons for which my flight group passed to IL2-46 after having flown many missions over MAW's north Africa.
I am a true lover of MAW (You can ask to Zipo) and to see it die in this manner make me very sad.
When I knew of the rescue of Ed's work I dreamed what all the talented people who work on ETO could make for MAW, and note that I said "for" not "with", in my modest opinion this would be the best tribute to the effort made by all the DR Team (which unfortunately practically no longer exist) and by Ed in particular, leaving MAW w/o a development seems to me a waste of all that was made which instead should have grow with new intensity.
As I wrote in another place, we can not go back and so we have to look at the future even though in the future there will not be MAW but many other wonderful things can happen........ we only have to want them to happen.
Thanks again to all involved in these wonderful projects for what You did and, hopefully, for what You will do for our community and for the patiente You had reading this.
Cristiano "Astore"
I do not pretend that I understand anything of programming, nor knowing you or anyone well yet (except my fellow Finn), but IMHO destruction of Ed's sourcefiles/whatever etc pretty much neutered, or at least slowed down the development of CFS3 add-ons. I feel that this action was rushed without asking public opinion, and it should been voted about in here, amongst enthusiasts. Games like this keep going on thanks to pioneers like Ed, and this unfortunate event prevents new simmers from knowing what a great man he was and how great work he did. Those files would had benefited the whole community greatly, giving other programmers a starting point where to work from etc.

just my 2 cents.
I do not pretend that I understand anything of programming, nor knowing you or anyone well yet (except my fellow Finn), but IMHO destruction of Ed's sourcefiles/whatever etc pretty much neutered, or at least slowed down the development of CFS3 add-ons. I feel that this action was rushed without asking public opinion, and it should been voted about in here, amongst enthusiasts. Games like this keep going on thanks to pioneers like Ed, and this unfortunate event prevents new simmers from knowing what a great man he was and how great work he did. Those files would had benefited the whole community greatly, giving other programmers a starting point where to work from etc.

just my 2 cents.


Thanks for your comments but the MAW team did vote.

Here is the comment from sixghost, I think it speaks volume about how they felt about anyone using the source files and I respect their position.
So in a few words, the entire MAW ftp (that's probably what we're talking about) plus all the work done on scenery by Ed is now to be made "public"? WOW!
I knew Ed intended to write a tutorial on how to work with terrain and as far as his files are concerned I'd say ok...I was no closer to him than many here so who am I to judge? But MAW source files...uhm?

Let's not hide source raping behind a partial MAW update!

I'm afraid I don't yet understand. Having given their permission a few months ago, have the MAW team remaining now vetoed the proposed work? This should either have been handled fully in private or fully in public. I still regret the loss of Terrain SDK material.

And its time for my bed again. Goodnight.
I'm afraid I don't yet understand. Having given their permission a few months ago, have the MAW team remaining now vetoed the proposed work? This should either have been handled fully in private or fully in public. I still regret the loss of Terrain SDK material.

And its time for my bed again. Goodnight.


Some of the MAW team did change their mind and decided that they wanted MAW left alone as it was. I fully respect their decision as it is not "Public Domain" and is not open structure. MAW is copywrited and they have every right to protect the original MAW game. I think it was handled about as fully in public as it could be and there should be no doubt now on the subject.

I have moved on and hope everyone else will as well and get over the hard feelings.

Best Regards

Henry and Gramps,

I apologize as this thread that I started has initiated more discussion. Maybe it should be deleted and I promise not to start anymore of this nature.:amen:


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