A little scenery help please


This is the way my SOLOMON Islands coastlines look (all islands in the chain)! This is in GW3 and I'm trying to use the Donationware F4U1 Scenery of Vella La Vella airfield. It used to look great, now this.

View attachment 10058 View attachment 10057

I have no addon Pacific, Far East, or Australian Scenery other than the Midway and Coral Sea Carriers (US Only), and FSG Mesh.

I have tried deleting all the above, including the F4U1 Scenery, without any affect. Also palcing the scenery at the top and bottom of the scenery priority list, also without affect.

Note - No other coastlines that I can find in GW3 show this effect.

Any thoughts on how to correct this?

Hi Duckie - somehow looks like you've lost your default scenery files. This usually happens if you install addon scenery that redefines coastlines and then remove (or disable it) without replacing (or re-activating) the original MS files. In your FS9 directory check in 'Scenery - Ocen - scenery' folder for the files:


If these are present but with a different extension (eg -.bak, or .xxx) just rename them.

If not present send me a PM and I will e-mail to you. Regards, A.
Oops - typo. The first filename on that list should read HL991350.bgl.

If you have more than one install of FS9, you might already still have these files in another installation.

Let me know, Cheers - A.
Did you install Golden Hawaii into your Golden wings? It removes some bgls that cause this kinda thing. The old Hanger has a list of which ones to put back in.

All is well in my GW3 now, coastlines are back to normal in the Solomon Islands (as well as everywhere else!)

View attachment 10066

@ aardvark62,
your file location was spot on, but the 6 files you listed didn't do it. I wound up creating a "STOCK GW3" install and replacing, well, actually merging the newly created STOCK OCEN/Scenery file with what was left of my modded install (after several tests of each set of files individually and merged). Turns out about 2/3 of the files that should have been in the folder were missing - about 1,000! Haven't a clue what happened. Haven't added or deleted anything except aircraft in years! But you put me on the right track and I appreciate your help and quick response to my call for help

@ Jamie,
I installed Golden Hawaii years ago and haven't used it in about that long. I actually went to the Old Hanger but I either didn't find the thread you're referring to, or the ones I did read - FAQs, Golden Hawaii, didn't seem to tell me what specifically was the problem and how to fix it. I didn't perceive that GH might have been the problem since I haven't used it in so long. But thanks very much for the input. It's always appreciated.


if you do go the GH install route, the link is in my post ;) here it is again ---> The old Hanger.

It looks like you installed it and didn't use it but didn't turn it off either. It's certainly similar problem caused by this issue.

all the best,

if you do go the GH install route, the link is in my post ;) here it is again ---> The old Hanger.

It looks like you installed it and didn't use it but didn't turn it off either. It's certainly similar problem caused by this issue.

all the best,

AAAAHHHHHH! (Smacks familiar flat spot on forehead with open palm of right hand! :dizzy:) You may very well be right, Jamie. I will explore further now that I have a set of STOCK GW3 textures just waiting for another miscue!

Thanks :encouragement: