A little 'tip' if your Guns Jam



Hi all

If you have been a little 'over Zealous' in QC, and those damn Spandau's have Jammed...Or that Trusty Lewis is giving you a worry...fear not!

Just make a beeline for your airfield...plonk the old girl down.... and with a bit of Luck....the ground crew will unjam them in a moment or two...and you can get airborne, and back into the fray!

It's happened to me twice now...and on the second occasion, I managed to get airborne, polish off two more Huns....and was back home in time for Tea and Medals!!!

A workshops addition has been tested to enable or disable gun jams for OFF. It works and may be in the next patch.
A workshops addition has been tested to enable or disable gun jams for OFF. It works and may be in the next patch.

Righto...well, I will leave Jams on I think...getting back to the field and getting them repaired, whilst under fire is very exciting!

(I found it rather Irritating at first...But I now like it)
Best to avoid them, is to fire short bursts.
I had an Albatros D II flight, were a jam happened. Cursing, I tried to escape the last 2 Nupes 17. But them guys followed, as if they knew, I was harmless. The wouldn't let me out, and I collected hits, despite extreme winding.
I got really angry, and tried the damn trigger - and shot. Them Spandaus worked again! (Bad for zee Nupes - shot zem both up! Mmuahahahahaaa!!!)
I can unjam them by frantically trying to fire over and over again. It unsticks itself after a bit.
Or, if it can be done, set it up like RB3D and use the "U" key to unjam the guns. If it can be turned on or off in workshops, perhaps it can be made to work with the "U" key.
I haven't encountered a gunjam yet, as I follow the "short burst rule" and only when I have a proper shot.
