A long Goodbye


The Bordeaux-Red Baron
What a BRILLIANT afternoon this was! After making two videos of Quick flights, using Fraps and Nero Vision, I did my tour of duty. My fourth flight with Jasta 5 that was, and I had already begun to wonder, why I had never encountered enemies - weren't there any in this sector, in September 1917?
There were (were - like: have been)!
We went on a reconnaissance flight, the wheather fine as can be - blue sky with large white clouds; you thought you could hear the birds sing - and up we went; my two wingmen and I. We had climbed to 4.000 feet and were just near Lieu St. Amand, when I spotted two "birds" high above us. Thought, they were two-seaters, and went on - I don't like climbing up to them. But on a second look, I saw them coming down rapidly! Sopwith Pups!
I just thought "that's a nice present on such a fine day - let's have crumpets without tea!" But then I saw 6 more planes nearby, heading for us.
Okay, let's tango! Ordered "attack" to my wings, and caught the first Pup by the tail. It pulled up, only to get a devastating "shower". Knowing, they don't need much, I went on to the next. I shot 4 of them down, until my ammo was out. And now came the BRILLIANT bit from my wingman! I showed him which plane to attack, and he really chased it. I flew parallel to them and watched; we went up and down and high and low; other Pups came across, we curved tight and tighter - I got dizzy like a kid in a caroussel on a fair. My wingman shot down one after the other, while I distracted their attention from him. Geeee - that was fun!!!
When it was quiet again - as suddenly, as it had begun - we realised, that our third man wasn't with us any more. But the two of us had downed 8 Pups within a short time of maybe ten minutes. I felt really good, when we headed for home base.

Why the title? Well - more and more of us are receiving P3 now and within the next weeks. And sooner or later, I will install it, over Phase 2, which will then be history, cause it won't remain playable.
I came so damn late to OFF, that I haven't even half experienced P2 yet. And I think, I'll bring all my Campaigns to an end, however - it wouldn't feel right to just give them up now. That will be my long goodbye to a great World War One Combat Simulation, before I welcome it's new born child.
Does anyone understand?
Just keep the disk. When you get a new computer (eventually) you can always load Phase 2 in the old one, but from what I hear so far, you won't want to.

Sounds like you should switch to Phase3 as soon as possible Olham...looks like you are too good for the AI planes in Phase2 and need more of a challenge.
Olham54, I'm in the same floatplane as you. I just only got my hands on P2. Of course I love it and I know there is so much more to experience. But what ya gonna do? There's a new girl in town and she'll be screaming for attention. And she'll deserve all your free time and you in turn will be very satisfied. My P2 disc will be going into a 2 disc dvd case
along with my P3 disc and the cover art for P3 will slip into the clear plastic outer part and my CFS instructions will go behind those keeper clip things inside the dvd cover. Too much information for ya I bet. Sorry guys. To answer your question Olham; yes.