What a BRILLIANT afternoon this was! After making two videos of Quick flights, using Fraps and Nero Vision, I did my tour of duty. My fourth flight with Jasta 5 that was, and I had already begun to wonder, why I had never encountered enemies - weren't there any in this sector, in September 1917?
There were (were - like: have been)!
We went on a reconnaissance flight, the wheather fine as can be - blue sky with large white clouds; you thought you could hear the birds sing - and up we went; my two wingmen and I. We had climbed to 4.000 feet and were just near Lieu St. Amand, when I spotted two "birds" high above us. Thought, they were two-seaters, and went on - I don't like climbing up to them. But on a second look, I saw them coming down rapidly! Sopwith Pups!
I just thought "that's a nice present on such a fine day - let's have crumpets without tea!" But then I saw 6 more planes nearby, heading for us.
Okay, let's tango! Ordered "attack" to my wings, and caught the first Pup by the tail. It pulled up, only to get a devastating "shower". Knowing, they don't need much, I went on to the next. I shot 4 of them down, until my ammo was out. And now came the BRILLIANT bit from my wingman! I showed him which plane to attack, and he really chased it. I flew parallel to them and watched; we went up and down and high and low; other Pups came across, we curved tight and tighter - I got dizzy like a kid in a caroussel on a fair. My wingman shot down one after the other, while I distracted their attention from him. Geeee - that was fun!!!
When it was quiet again - as suddenly, as it had begun - we realised, that our third man wasn't with us any more. But the two of us had downed 8 Pups within a short time of maybe ten minutes. I felt really good, when we headed for home base.
Why the title? Well - more and more of us are receiving P3 now and within the next weeks. And sooner or later, I will install it, over Phase 2, which will then be history, cause it won't remain playable.
I came so damn late to OFF, that I haven't even half experienced P2 yet. And I think, I'll bring all my Campaigns to an end, however - it wouldn't feel right to just give them up now. That will be my long goodbye to a great World War One Combat Simulation, before I welcome it's new born child.
Does anyone understand?
There were (were - like: have been)!
We went on a reconnaissance flight, the wheather fine as can be - blue sky with large white clouds; you thought you could hear the birds sing - and up we went; my two wingmen and I. We had climbed to 4.000 feet and were just near Lieu St. Amand, when I spotted two "birds" high above us. Thought, they were two-seaters, and went on - I don't like climbing up to them. But on a second look, I saw them coming down rapidly! Sopwith Pups!
I just thought "that's a nice present on such a fine day - let's have crumpets without tea!" But then I saw 6 more planes nearby, heading for us.
Okay, let's tango! Ordered "attack" to my wings, and caught the first Pup by the tail. It pulled up, only to get a devastating "shower". Knowing, they don't need much, I went on to the next. I shot 4 of them down, until my ammo was out. And now came the BRILLIANT bit from my wingman! I showed him which plane to attack, and he really chased it. I flew parallel to them and watched; we went up and down and high and low; other Pups came across, we curved tight and tighter - I got dizzy like a kid in a caroussel on a fair. My wingman shot down one after the other, while I distracted their attention from him. Geeee - that was fun!!!
When it was quiet again - as suddenly, as it had begun - we realised, that our third man wasn't with us any more. But the two of us had downed 8 Pups within a short time of maybe ten minutes. I felt really good, when we headed for home base.
Why the title? Well - more and more of us are receiving P3 now and within the next weeks. And sooner or later, I will install it, over Phase 2, which will then be history, cause it won't remain playable.
I came so damn late to OFF, that I haven't even half experienced P2 yet. And I think, I'll bring all my Campaigns to an end, however - it wouldn't feel right to just give them up now. That will be my long goodbye to a great World War One Combat Simulation, before I welcome it's new born child.
Does anyone understand?